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Dr. Tinnitus

From Arthur Wiki
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Dr. Tinnitus
Dr. Tinnitus.png
Gender Female
Animal Bear

Cartoon debut "Operation: D.W.!"

Dr. Tinnitus is an ear doctor and surgeon. She examined D.W. and told her that she needed an operation to insert small tubes into her eardrums so the gunk will flow out instead of clogging the middle ear. "Operation: D.W.!"



  • "Tinnitus" is also the name of an ear infection that causes ringing in a person's ears.
  • Her name sounds like "Ten-itus".
  • She appears on the cover the DVD release "Hooray for Health!," examining Arthur when he has chickenpox, even though she did not appear in "Arthur's Chicken Pox" and was not introduced until much later in the series.
