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Double Dare/Transcript

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(Buster is in the boys bathroom struggling to pull Arthur's belt from the window.)

Arthur: Have you ever noticed how something really big can start from the littlest thing?

Buster: (grunting) Come on Arthur. Pull!

Arthur: I'm trying! Like on how some guy nobody ever heard of records a song in his bathroom, and it becomes...

(A flashback of D.W. playing Crazy Bus is heard. Arthur has both pillows covering his ears.)

D.W. + Joe Fallon: Sloppy, gloppy, gloopy...(The song is still playing.)

Arthur: Stop it, stop it before I go crazy and eat these cushions! (Cut back to real life.) Or, how D.W. can manage to have a tantrum over nothing?

(Cut to fantasy: D.W. opens her front door and sees a sunny day.)

D.W.: I'm sick of sunshine. Sun, sun, all the time sun! How about some rain around here? Is that too much to ask? Is it?!

(Cut to real life)

Arthur: So anyway, this whole stupid mess started over nothing, over less than nothing- whoa!

Buster: Arthur, watch out.

Arthur: Don't let me go!

(Buster makes Arthur's belt come off.)

Buster: Uh oh.

Title Card: The-Hot-Air-Balloon-Ride.[edit]

Written by Kathy Waugh. Storyboard by Guylaine Seguin, Lyndon Ruddy, and Greg Huculak.

(Arthur, Brain, Francine, and Buster are in the treehouse doing homework.)

Arthur: I can't believe how much homework Ratburn gave us, I'll never get to watch any TV.

Buster: No kidding, and tonight's the great showdown between Dark Bunny and the 60 foot squid!

Francine: Where he gets eaten by a giant clam and-

Francine+Buster: digested by clam juice. (they shake hands.)

Brain: (sigh) and we won't get too see it. (A Dark Bunny poster is shown.)

Arthur: It's so unfair, one of these days I'm not gonna do my homework.

Buster: Impossible, how would you ever face Ratburn?

Arthur: I don't know, I just wouldn't go to school maybe. (closes math book.) I'd skip school and do my homework when I felt like it.

(Francine laughs)

Francine: Oh right, you skip school? You're too much of a scaredy cat!

Arthur: I am not! I'd skip school in a minute, like, like, that. (snaps finger)

Francine: Oh yeah, I dare you! (points finger at Arthur)

Buster: (gasps) She dared you Arthur, you have to do it.

Arthur: No I don't!

Brain: Yes you do, it's the rule.

Arthur: What rule?

Brain: I don't make 'em, I just call 'em.

Arthur: Yeah, well then, I dare you back. (points finger)

Francine: Well, well then, I dare Buster. (points thumb at Buster)

Buster: Me? Well I don't have anything to do with this?

Brain: It doesn't matter Buster, once you're dared, you're dared.

Buster: Well, then I dare you! (points finger at Brain)

Brain: This is serious guys, we need a plan.

(A drawn map of Elwood City is seen. Arthur, Buster, Francine, and Brain are there.)

Brain: Ok, here's how we'll do it. (is holding a pencil) Normally, we walk to school in a straight line. (draws straight) But tomorrow, we'll make a right turn there, at this bush (draws an X) and um... we turn right and... we don't go to school.

Francine: That's not much of a plan.

Brain: What do you want, I only had 5 minutes!

Arthur: I really don't think we should do this.

Francine: It was your idea Arthur.

Arthur: No it wasn't! I was kidding, and you-

Brain: Look, it's out of our hands, however it happened, we've all been dared and that's that.

Jane: (off screen) Arthur, dinner!

(They all stand up)

Francine: So I guess we should just meet at the bush tomorrow and decide what to do from there.

Arthur: But what if-

(D.W. opens the door)

D.W.: Arthur! Mom called you for dinner two hours ago.

(Brain, Francine, and Buster are walking out)

Arthur: It was 5 seconds ago, and who said you could come in here?

D.W.: What are you doing anyway?

Arthur: None of your business. (is walking away)

D.W.: We'll just see about that.

(Arthur is poking at his food at the table when he notices D.W. is staring at him)

Arthur: Mom, D.W.'s staring at me.

David: D.W., maybe you could take a look at those Brussel sprouts instead.

D.W.: Arthur is much more interesting than Brussel sprouts - sometimes.

(Arthur sticks his tongue out at her)

(Arthur is watching Dark Bunny and D.W. is by him.)

D.W.: Is it safe to come in?

Arthur: Yeah, it's a commercial.

D.W.: So has the clam eaten Dark Bunny yet? (walks over to Arthur)

Arthur: Yep.

(Arthur turns off the TV.)

D.W.: So are you gonna tell me what you look so guilty about?

Arthur: Will you quit it, D.W.? I don't look guilty. I look completely...not guilty.

Jane: Don't you have any homework, Arthur?

Arthur: I told you already, I am not guilty, so leave me alone already!

(Arthur looks at Jane who is surprised.)

(Arthur is sleeping in his bed, tossing and turning. He is muttering.)

Arthur: No, no, I hate

(Cut to dream: Arthur is inside a clam.)

Arthur: Where am I?

Clam: Well, you're certainly not at school, are you?

Arthur: No, I'm not, but I want to be.

Buster: (is walking towards Arthur while plugging nose.) Are we inside a clam? Cause it really stinks in here.

Arthur: Where did you come from?

Buster: I don't know, but I'm leaving. (walks over to shell.) Hey you, let us out! (is now banging shell.)

Clam: Too late for that. You took a wrong turn at that bush back there. And now...

(Green juice begins to fill up in the clam.)

Buster: (shudders) It smells like clam juice. Arthur, I think we're being-

Arthur+Buster: Digested!

(Cut to real life: Arthur is now on the phone in the kitchen.)

Arthur: Buster, it's me. I can't go through with it. I don't care if Francine dared me.

(Buster is sitting on a sofa.)

Buster: I can't go through with it either, I dreamt that this giant clam told me that if I didn't go to school, I'd be digested! And all I know is that if a clam tells you to do something, you do it!

Arthur: That's so weird, I had the same dream-

D.W.: Arthur!

Arthur: Go away, I'm on the phone!

D.W.: It's a free country.

Arthur: Buster, can you call everyone and tell them you-know-what is cancelled? I can't talk right now.

Buster: Sure thing, see ya. (hangs up)

(Brain is on the phone talking with Buster.)

Brain: Ok, if you're sure. What clam?

Francine: (in phone) You've reached the Frensky's, leave a message.

Buster: (talking on phone) Francine, are you there?

(Francine has headphones on her ears, not hearing anything. She is getting ready for school)

Buster: You know the thing, it's uh... well we're not gonna do it. There was this clam, and forget about the bush, ok?

(Francine is scatting and then leaves)

(School is about to start, many people are seen getting in the school)

Arthur: Did you call everyone?

Buster: Yep, it's all set.

(They walk toward the school.)

(Francine is looking at her watch, it reads 8:35, the bell rings. She then ducks under the bush to avoid being spotted)

(Mr.Ratburn is taking attendance in class)

Mr. Ratburn: Buster Baxter.

Buster: Here!

Mr. Ratburn: Muffy Crosswire.

Arthur: Where's Francine?

Buster: I don't know.

Mr. Ratburn: Francine Frensky. (looks around) Francine?

(Arthur and Buster look at each other in confusion)

(Francine is at the bush, still waiting for them)

Francine: I'm going to kill those guys! And now it's 9 o'clock. Shoot!

(She runs up to the school doors and tries to open the door, but it's locked.)

Francine: Uh oh.

(Mr. Ratburn and Mr. Marco are talking at the door entry to the classroom. Francine looks through a window and sees Arthur and Buster.)

Francine: Psst!

(Francine ducks and crawls to another window, Mr. Ratburn looks over to where Francine is hiding)

Francine: I said, psst!

(Arthur and Buster look towards the window.)

Buster: Francine? What are you doing out there?

Francine: What am I--? What are you doing in there?

Buster: We called it off, didn't you get my message?

Francine: No, and now I can't get in!

(Mr. Ratburn looks over to where Francine is, and she ducks. Arthur and Buster then hum nervously while doing their work.)

Arthur: Meet us at the bathroom.

(Arthur is at an open bathroom window)

Arthur: Francine, Francine! Over here!

(Francine sees Arthur and she runs over to the window. It is about a story high. She then steps on a pipe, and grabs Arthur's hands.)

Francine: Don't just hang there, do something!

(Buster is looking in the mirror at his teeth)

Arthur: Buster, do something.

(Buster walks over to Arthur and pulls on his belt)

Arthur: Ow! Not so hard.

Francine: Arthur, pay attention you're gonna drop me.

Arthur: I can't help it, you're too heavy.

Francine: I am not too heavy. I weigh less than you.

Buster: Arthur, watch out.

Arthur: Don't let me go!

(Buster pulls off Arthur's belt, causing him to fall down)

Buster: Uh oh.

(Francine is now lying on the ground)

Arthur: Sorry.

Francine: Now what?

Binky: Leave it to me Francine, I have an idea.

(Arthur and Buster are now outside of their lockers)

Buster: Since when does Binky have ideas?

Binky: It's all set, as soon as you hear me screaming, run to the door.

Arthur: Why should we run to the door?

Binky: So you can open it! (slaps head) Sheesh! Ok, here it goes. Owww!

(Binky holds his left foot pretending to be in pain, and fake screaming)

Arthur: What is he doing?

Buster: Come on.

(Arthur and Buster run to the front doors, they pass the principal's office and they open the door Arthur looks around and then he finds Francine standing in front a door far away)

Arthur: Francine, Over here!

Francine: You were supposed to be over here!

Buster: Nu uh, you were supposed to be over here!

Francine: Nu uh, you were supposed to--

Arthur: Hurry up, we don't have much time.

(A big crowd of kids is around Binky, Mr. Ratburn comes and the kids leave.)

Binky: Um, it's my shoe Mr. Ratburn uh it's too tight.

Mr. Ratburn: Then I suggest you get a new pair.

(Mr. Ratburn gets an angry face as he spots Arthur and Buster at the door, along with the door being open. He walks towards them)

Binky: Uh no, no, no, no, I think it's my socks.

(Francine is running towards Arthur.)

Buster: Hurry up, before it's too--

(Mr. Ratburn is standing behind Buster, having seen the whole thing)

Buster: --late.

(Binky is now lying on the ground)

Mr. Ratburn: Just what is going on?

(Arthur, Buster, and Francine both make up excuses and stutter.)

(Mr. Haney arrives and opens the right door.)

Mr. Haney: What is all the commotion? Francine, why aren't you in school?

Francine: I uh... I uh... see, uh..

Mr. Haney: I think you all had better come to my office immediately.

(Buster, Binky, Francine, and Arthur are waiting outside the principal's office. Oliver is seen talking to Mr. Ratburn, and Mr. Haney.)

Francine: I am doomed!

Buster: Not necessarily, I heard about this one girl who got expelled, but then she got a job selling donuts, and now she can eat as many as she wants without paying.

Binky: Cool!

Francine: I don't wanna go to work, I wanna go to school.

Buster: Maybe they'll only expel you for a year.

Arthur: I'm sure they won't be too hard on you Francine, it really isn't your fault.

Francine: You can say that again. It's your fault! If you haven't made me dare you then none of this would've happened.

Oliver: I'm very disappointed in you Francine. Where on Earth did you get the idea to skip school?

Francine: (Angrily) I, I! (Feeling down) It was my idea I guess, my stupid idea.

Mr. Haney: Then I'm afraid you'll have to spend all of next week after school, and this had better not happen again.

Francine: It won't.

Mr. Ratburn: I'm very disappointed in you, Miss Frensky.

Francine: I know.

Arthur: Wait! This isn't fair. It wasn't Francine's idea. It was my idea, only not really, because I never meant to do it. But then, we got dared and Brain said we had to do it, and it was the only way we could watch Dark Bunny and not do our homework. So, anyway, if Francine's punished, then I should be punished.

Buster: Arthur's right, punish me too.

Binky: (slightly crying) And me, punish me.

Arthur: (To Binky) You didn't have anything to do with it.

Binky: Oh yeah, forget it.

Mr. Ratburn: Nice try, I applaud your spirit. But since you managed to make it to school, it makes no sense to punish you.

Arthur + Buster: But, but...

Mr. Ratburn: But, I am glad to have a plausible explanation for why you didn't do your homework. For that, I will give you an extra assignment.

Arthur+Buster: Yay, alright!

(Mr. Haney and Oliver are shaking their heads.)

(Mr. Marco is pouring coffee in the teacher's lounge. Mr. Ratburn walks in.)

Mr. Marco: Busy day rat?

Mr. Ratburn: A tough one yes, do you have the tape?

(Mr. Marco hands him a video tape.)

Mr. Ratburn: I just fail to comprehend why good students would choose to skip school and fall behind on their homework.

(Mr. Ratburn turns on the TV and Dark Bunny starts playing)

TV Announcer: Time now, for your hairy hero, as he battles the 60-foot squid. 90 minutes of non-stop oceanic action.

Mr. Ratburn: All right.

Mr. Marco: This is a great one, wait until you see the giant clam, it's just absolutely disgusting, and the way it sucks up bunny.