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D.W. Beats All/Transcript
Fern's House[edit]
Fern Walters: There. All sorted.
(banging noise)
Fern: (gasps)
Westboro Apartments[edit]
Francine Frensky: Ow!
In the backyard[edit]
(the noise gets louder)
Buster Baxter: What is that?
(It is quiet)
Buster: Phew. (an acorn falls on his head) Ow!
(the card castle falls down)
Boys: (gasping)
In front of the Tibbles' house[edit]
Francine: What was that? An explosion?
Fern: Earth?
Arthur Read: Aliens?
Buster: You really think so?
Arthur: No, but I knew you'd say that.
Buster: It's coming from behind that fence!
Francine Frensky: Uh-oh.
Arthur: Oh, no.
D.W.: Cool!
D.W. Beats All
Writers: Raye Lankford and Ken Scarborough
Storyboard Artist: Jeremy O'Neill
Binky Barnes: (voice-over) D.W. Beats All!
Arthur: (gasps)
D.W.: Ta-da!
(Back to the story)
The noise turns out to be the Tibble twins playing a drumset.
Mrs. Tibble: Aren't they cute? I found the drums at a garage sale today. Now the twins can play in the Summer Serenade.
Arthur: Summer Serenade?
Mrs. Tibble: Haven't you heard? The parks department is having a summer music festival. Anyone can play. There'll be music, sing-alongs and, at the end, fireworks. A gardener who is clipping the hedge drops his clippers and runs away.
Timmy: Only no-one will hear them. We'll be too loud.
Tommy: We'll turn that serenade into a noisappaloosa.
Timmy: Noisappaloosa!
Arthur: Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?
Fern: Ear plugs?
Arthur: No. We should play in the Summer Serenade. We can practise at my house.
D.W. comes with a tambourine.
D.W.: Can I try?
Timmy+Tommy: (laugh)
Tommy: No way! Go play with your baby toy.
D.W.: Baby?? I'll show you!
D.W. and Mrs. Read are sitting on the couch.
D.W.: Arthur has a piano and all he does is this . She walks to the piano and hits a few keys.
Mrs. Read, Arthur and D.W. are setting the table.
Mrs. Read: If you really want to play drums, D.W., you can have lessons.
D.W.: I don't need lessons! I need drums!
Mrs. Read is bringing D.W. to bed.
D.W.: Besides, I can't waste time on lessons. I only have until Saturday. I need drums now!
Mrs. Read: I'm sorry, D.W., but you can't have everything you want just because you ask for it.
D.W.: Well, this is a fine time to tell me. Mrs. Read kisses her goodnight and turns off the light.
The Reads are sitting at the dinner table.
Mr. Read: That little combo sounded great today, Arthur. What are you gonna call your band?
Arthur: We've already used “U Stink” and “We Stink”. There aren't any good names left