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Category:Images of doctors and medical personnel
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Media in category "Images of doctors and medical personnel"
The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.
15538 182320599014 7330817 n.jpg 604 × 413; 73 KB
1x24a.png 502 × 383; 121 KB
9x10a.png 527 × 385; 264 KB
Arthur's Tooth.JPG 625 × 478; 106 KB
Doctor Kingsbury.png 639 × 478; 447 KB
Dr. Iris.png 411 × 338; 139 KB
Dr. Tinnitus.png 594 × 450; 425 KB
EMT.png 228 × 299; 77 KB
Miss Flynn.png 638 × 479; 442 KB
Ruth Zimmer Arthur Buster.png 470 × 353; 310 KB
Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.47.21 PM.png 384 × 253; 190 KB
Sozio.png 290 × 349; 174 KB