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Category:Images from Facebook
From Arthur Wiki
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Media in category "Images from Facebook"
The following 64 files are in this category, out of 64 total.
13051555 10156924843710203 3960694540581450714 n.jpg 960 × 540; 112 KB
13096013 10156888771815203 7324998852501349211 n.jpg 960 × 540; 84 KB
13173674 10156895925015203 9102159934462537540 n.jpg 960 × 540; 96 KB
13255924 10156940233515203 4033883712928501504 n.jpg 960 × 540; 66 KB
13260256 10156917572460203 1658286030056707187 n.jpg 960 × 539; 92 KB
14355022 10157478299395203 8132028520985389995 n.jpg 960 × 540; 97 KB
1461838 542492555843053 330492442 n.jpg 720 × 558; 51 KB
1608b Buster Arthur Sugar Bowl.png 859 × 483; 405 KB
1702a D.W. Bud promo.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 359 KB
1801 DW promo.jpg 720 × 405; 64 KB
18011140 1378471412245159 3347257422561374395 n.jpg 900 × 693; 231 KB
1802a Arthur Tin Man.jpg 960 × 540; 104 KB
18056880 1378471415578492 5009152527403581081 n.jpg 900 × 675; 162 KB
18057668 1378471518911815 271597865912293225 n.jpg 960 × 956; 174 KB
1805a family tree activity.jpg 1,650 × 1,275; 182 KB
18076934 1378471515578482 7546103170565586062 o.jpg 1,500 × 1,147; 437 KB
18300943 10158605306145203 1277862425238574274 n.jpg 960 × 540; 107 KB
2013 Episodes.JPG 843 × 403; 51 KB
296248 10150837491390203 1103583229 n.jpg 474 × 475; 20 KB
415090 10152074218410203 696675190 o.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 181 KB
48110 10152552907535203 263660000 n.jpg 929 × 960; 167 KB
532490 10152902295125203 731677996 n.jpg 480 × 542; 46 KB
534261 10152724121160203 661666848 n.jpg 960 × 471; 66 KB
577544 10152774402160203 1370717245 n.jpg 851 × 315; 69 KB
Arthur Aardvark for the Ages.jpg 853 × 312; 0 bytes
Arthur Arts Week.jpg 850 × 312; 98 KB
Arthur Facebook April Fools 2013.jpg 720 × 266; 31 KB
Arthur Ganson art gallery art.jpg 617 × 206; 38 KB
Arthur Halloween Facebook photo.jpg 960 × 351; 65 KB
Arthur Halloween Facebook profile.jpg 180 × 180; 7 KB
Arthur Modelsheet.JPG 960 × 737; 114 KB
Arthur Outdoors Week.png 720 × 435; 231 KB
Arthur Sports Week.jpg 853 × 312; 43 KB
Bailey.jpg 474 × 475; 18 KB
Binky Modelsheet.JPG 960 × 697; 98 KB
Bitzi Baxter.JPG 474 × 475; 34 KB
Bud Compson.JPG 960 × 540; 135 KB
Buster's desk sketch.png 774 × 420; 209 KB
BXXHCIUCUAAJwW3.jpg 598 × 337; 49 KB
Catherine.JPG 249 × 475; 37 KB
DBBA.jpg 720 × 398; 70 KB
Emily promo.png 356 × 469; 156 KB
Facebook ArthursToyTrouble promo.jpg 960 × 630; 125 KB
Facebook SueEllenAddsItUp promo.jpg 960 × 629; 102 KB
Facebook WishYouWereHere promo.jpg 960 × 629; 63 KB
Ferns Flight of Fancy.jpg 960 × 540; 74 KB
Fountain Abbey 2.jpg 960 × 355; 69 KB
Fountain Abbey 3.jpg 960 × 960; 133 KB
George Playing a Flute.JPG 474 × 475; 18 KB
Grandma Thora.JPG 474 × 475; 39 KB
Killer promo.png 474 × 475; 112 KB
Library Card Facebook promo.jpg 960 × 471; 56 KB
Melissa Alto Muffy promo.jpg 960 × 490; 61 KB
Opposites Distract promo.jpg 960 × 355; 54 KB
PBS KIDS Love Math and Science.png 389 × 383; 113 KB
Preschool Class Modelsheet.JPG 960 × 682; 74 KB
Promo Ed Crosswire.png 362 × 454; 180 KB
Promo James MacDonald.png 292 × 468; 144 KB
Rogers Brown Yarmush.jpg 686 × 960; 63 KB
Show Off promo.jpg 960 × 471; 57 KB
Slink Cropped Image.png 228 × 471; 98 KB
Strike A Pose.jpg 960 × 540; 66 KB
The Last Day Facebook 1.jpg 960 × 539; 104 KB
YL2QiqcctEc6ucjGrLTN png.png 474 × 475; 154 KB