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Category:Images from Arthur Plays the Blues (episode)
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The following are images related to "Arthur Plays the Blues (episode)".
Media in category "Images from Arthur Plays the Blues (episode)"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
Arthur Plays the Blues Title Card.png 466 × 349; 243 KB
Arthur Plays the Blues.JPG 1,024 × 768; 99 KB
Bruno'smusic.png 329 × 282; 149 KB
Bruno'smusicinterior.png 463 × 339; 255 KB
Bruno'smusicworker.png 343 × 378; 112 KB
Chopin.png 209 × 308; 129 KB
Drfugue's houseinterior.png 467 × 337; 254 KB
Drfugue'shouse.png 635 × 478; 573 KB
Fugue House mysterious person.png 476 × 350; 258 KB
Funnyfarmgame.png 639 × 480; 621 KB
Mrs. Cardigan.png 1,024 × 768; 873 KB
Sockhopinterior.png 466 × 340; 281 KB
Thesockhop.png 338 × 307; 194 KB
Tosca.png 339 × 328; 148 KB