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Bully for Binky/Transcript
Bully for Binky[edit]
(Binky comes into the school cafeteria)
Binky: (growls)
Buster: Oh no, here comes Binky! Quick! Hide your desserts!
Binky: Hey, pal! You look too full for that cupcake. I'll take it off your hands. (He takes Brain’s cupcake and eats it) Ah.
(Everybody looks scared)
Buster: (gasps)
(He quickly puts the rest of his banana into his mouth)
Arthur: Binky Barnes has always been the biggest bully in school, even in preschool.
(Flashback: Arthur and his preschool class are playing inside)
Young Arthur: I'm going to color a rainbow.
(Binky takes the can with the crayons away)
Young Binky: (laughs)
Young Arthur: Can we share the crayons? I need to color a rainbow.
Young Binky: Oh, okay. I'll share this white one.
Flashback: Arthur and Buster watch a parade.
Arthur (narrator): Binky doesn't even take a day off for holidays.
Binky steps in front of them.
Binky: What's the matter? Can't see?
Arthur: No.
Binky: Then I guess you'll have to wait till you grow up to see a parade! (laughs)
The flashbacks end. Arthur is about to eat a cookie.
Binky: That's an awful big cookie for one kid to eat, Arthur.
Arthur gives him half of his cookie.
Arthur: But what can you do about a bully who's also huge?
Binky: (burps) Ah.
Title Card: Arthur Swims[edit]
Francine: (voice) Bully for Binky
Arthur: Hi.
Arthur, Brain, Francine, Buster and Prunella meet in the library.
Francine: We have to do something about the Binky problem
Buster: Yeah, I haven't tasted a dessert all year!
Binky: Coming through!
Binky slides on a ladder knocking several other kids down.
Kids: Hey! Whoa! Look out!
Arthur: What we need is an emergency anti-Binky plan.
Brain holds up a drawing of Binky.
Brain: Let's examine Binky and we'll discover his weaknesses. He's big, he's strong, his large cumbersome feet root him solidly to the ground...
Arthur: He's like a tree, except without the birds.
Buster: A tree that can chase after you.
Francine: I can't think of any weaknesses.
On the school playground Binky walks up to some kids playing basketball. He takes George’s ball. Brain, Francine, Buster, Arthur and Prunella sit nearby.
Buster: I've got it! He likes dessert, especially other kids' desserts.
Francine: So? So he likes dessert. So what?
Buster: Maybe we can feed him so much he'll get too slow to chase us.
The drawing of Binky in his hand inflates like a balloon.
Arthur: I don't think that's a good idea. He'd probably just fall on us and flatten us.
The drawing shows Binky sitting on the others.
Kids (on drawing): (scream)
Brain: Face it. There's no one on earth big enough to challenge Binky.
Binky attempts to throw a hoop. The ball bounces off the board and hits Sue Ellen who is jumping rope.
Sue Ellen: Seven thousand three hundred and three, seven thousand three hundred... Hey!
Binky: Hahaha! D'you lose count on your widdle jump wope?
Sue Ellen: I was going for the record, you clumsy oaf!
Binky: Are you talking to me, pipsqueak?
Sue Ellen: Yes, and you owe me an apology.
Francine walks up to Sue Ellen.
Francine: Sue Ellen, you haven't been going to this school very long. That's Binky Barnes.
Binky: You tell her! Get to know the name. B-I-N-K-Y Barnes!
Sue Ellen: If he apologizes for being so rude, I'll apologize for calling him clumsy.
Binky: Apologize? Maybe you'd rather fight me.
He runs up to Sue Ellen.
Sue Ellen: Okay.
She puts down her jump rope.
Binky: What did you say?!
The ground shakes. Everybody stares in shock. Buster spits a drink. Prunella eats a fly.
Kids: (gasp)
Prunella: (gulps)
Sue Ellen: I said okay. I'm not gonna let some big bully push me around.
Binky: Oh yes, you are!
Sue Ellen: I don't think so. I'll see you after school. Playground. Three o’clock.
She points at his chest. The she picks up her jump rope and leaves.
Binky: Right. Three o’clock. (To the others) What are you looking at?
Buster: Er... look! Haley's comet.
Binky: Where?
He looks. When he looks back at the others, they are gone.
The third-graders are rehearsing in the music room. Miss Krasny comes in.
Miss Krasny: Attention, people, here are the pieces for the recital.
She hands out music sheets.
Francine: Miss Krasny? Can we do a duet for drums and tuba? Hit it, Buster!
They play. Everybody stares. Miss Krasny signals to stop.
Miss Krasny: Maybe at a future recital. I'm not sure the world's ready yet. Okay. Our first piece will be for clarinet and alto sax. Binky and Sue Ellen?
Arthur: Uh-oh. (Binky suddenly looks uncomfortable) (to Buster) This may sound crazy, but Binky looks kinda scared of Sue Ellen.
Binky: Hah.
Buster: Impossible!
Sue Ellen: (whispers to Binky) Binky---because---Tae Kwon Do---okay. Sorry.
Arthur: I wish I knew what she was saying.
The school bell rings. Binky comes out of the building with Rattles and Molly.
Rattles: Hey, Binky, I don't see Sue Ellen anywhere.
Molly: I guess she's too scared of you.
Binky: Yeah, you know what excuse she gave? That she had to go to some Korean cooking class. Tae Kwon "Dough." (laughs)
Rattles and Molly stop and exchange surprised looks.
Rattles: Did she tell you Tae Kwon Do was a cooking class?
Binky: No, but... "dough"... It's like baking cookies, right? (laughs)
Molly: Binky, Tae Kwon Do isn't baking. It's that martial arts stuff they do on Sports World.
Binky, Molly and Rattles watch people doing Tae Kwon Do moves on TV.
Binky: That's it? It's like ballet!
Announcer (on TV): Coming up next on Sports World, women's Tae Kwon Do exhibition.
Female Fighter (on TV): Hi-yah!
She hits a car once and it breaks in half.
Binky: Huh?
Molly and Rattles: (gasp)
Binky slides off the couch.
The kids are eating lunch in the school cafeteria. Binky steps up to Buster.
Binky: Buster, that frozen yogurt looks good!
Sue Ellen comes by.
Sue Ellen: We're on for three, right?
Binky: Just make sure you're there.
Sue Ellen: Okay. See you.
She leaves.
The clock shows three o’clock. Sue Ellen waits by the basketball hoop. Binky looks around a corner. In his imagination Sue Ellen wears a Tae Kwon Do suit and kicks over the hoop.
Sue Ellen (in fantasy): Hi-yah!
Binky ducks back behind the corner where Rattles and Molly are waiting. A horn sounds.
Binky: Oh man. (chuckles) Did you hear that? My mother's calling me.
Rattles: That was a truck horn.
Binky: I'll deal with that pipsqueak on Monday.
He walks away.
Binky, Molly and Rattles sit in a movie theater before the movie starts.
Molly: I bet that Sue Ellen is spending the weekend scared!
Rattles: She probably won't sleep.
Binky: Yeah! (laughs)
Sue Ellen appears behind his seat.
Sue Ellen: Hi, Binky! Where were you this afternoon? I waited.
Molly: He had something more important to do.
Sue Ellen: Oh. Monday after school, then?
Rattles: He'll be there, don't worry.
Molly: You better hope what happened to the last guy he fought doesn't happen to you. She thinks. Who was the last guy he fought?
Rattles: I don't remember.
Other Kids: (shushes)
It is three o’clock on Sue Ellen’s watch. She stands by the basketball hoop while Arthur and Francine stand nearby with a kite.
Sue Ellen: Have you guys seen Binky? He was supposed to meet me here at 3:00.
Arthur: He volunteered to clap erasers after school.
Binky stands in front of the school clapping erasers.
Binky: (coughs)
Sue Ellen: I think Binky's scared of me.
Francine: I hope so. Then he'll know what it feels like.
Sue Ellen: What happened to the last guy who fought Binky?
Arthur: I dunno. Who was it?
Francine: You know, I can't remember anyone ever fighting Binky.
Binky: (sneezes)
The ground shakes.
Arthur and Francine are flying a kite outside the school when Binky comes.
Binky: (whistles Ode to Joy)
He looks around.
Francine: Sue Ellen left.
Binky: She ran away, huh?
Francine: She said if you were too scared to fight, she'll call it off.
Binky: Scared? Maybe you'd like to take her place, huh? I've just been very busy. (He starts walking away, then stops) Er...can I talk to you guys?
Arthur: Us? Okay, I guess.
Binky: Well, not here.
Arthur, Binky and Francine sit on the merry-go-round by the school.
Binky: I can't talk to Molly and Rattles, because... they wouldn't understand. He spins the merry-go-round. See...I've never fought anybody before.
Arthur: Never? (Binky stops the merry-go-round. Arthur falls off) (Arthur screams)
Binky: They all ran away, and... I'm worried I might...hurt that little pipsqueak. Yeah!
Francine: Well, if you weren't always picking fights and trying to scare everybody, you wouldn't have this problem now.
Binky: But it's what I'm good at.
He spins the merry-go-round again.
Arthur: That's true. He is good at it.
Francine: Maybe you should use some of that energy for something constructive... like music.
Binky stops the merry-go-round. Arthur flies across the lawn.
Binky: That's it. I'll beat her in music. Yeah! That's how I'll humiliate her.
Francine: That's not what I meant, Binky.
Binky shakes Francine’s hand.
Binky: Thanks. Thanks a lot. I've gotta go practice.
He leaves. Arthur rubs his head. Francine’s hand is still shaking.
Arthur: Are you okay?
Francine: Fine, just fine.
At the music recital in the auditorium/cafeteria.
Miss Krasny: Thank you, Prunella. Next, a classical piece for clarinet and alto saxophone.
The audience claps as Binky and Sue Ellen walk on stage.
Binky: Ladies and gentlemen. Before we begin our classical piece, we will play improvisational jazz. (to Sue Ellen:) If you're not up to it, just sit out, sister!
Sue Ellen looks surprised, then angry. Binky starts playing a solo. Miss Krasny signals to stop.
Miss Krasny: (shushes)
Audience: (cheer)
Sue Ellen plays a solo, partly on her knees. Miss Krasny starts dancing. Binky walks off the stage.
Binky walks out of the auditorium in sadness that Sue Ellen stole the attention and starts hitting rocks with his clarinet. Arthur comes to the door.
Arthur: Binky, everybody's looking for you.
Binky: Why?
Arthur: They're applauding you.
Binky: Not me, her. She was better than me. She beat me.
Arthur: Always beating everybody isn't the most important thing.
Binky: Well to me it is. I'm not the best at anything. I got held back a year, remember.
Arthur and Binky throw stones at a tree.
Binky: Mine went higher! Everybody’d laugh at me if I didn't beat them.
Arthur: Maybe they wouldn't laugh at you, maybe they'd actually like you.
Binky: What do you know?
Arthur: All I know that together you and Sue Ellen sounded the best of anyone.
Binky: Well, if everybody's gonna cry about it, I guess I could go back.
Arthur: Yeah, that's right. We're all gonna cry.
Binky: Well, don't.
He walks back inside.
Sue Ellen and Binky play together.
Audience: (cheer)
Sue Ellen: I don't wanna fight with you, Binky.
Binky: Okay, if that's what you want.
He grins.
Sue Ellen: But if you ever want to, I'm ready.
The grin disappears.
Binky: I'll remember that.
In the school cafeteria Buster, Arthur, Francine and Brain sit at a table. Brain crumples up the drawing of Binky.
Brain: I guess we won't need the emergency anti-Binky plan anymore.
Other Kids: (gasp)
Binky comes in and is about to bully Alex. Francine smoothes out the drawing.
Francine: Okay. Back to the plan.
Binky takes Alex’s donut.
Binky: Ha! He is about to eat it when Sue Ellen comes. Er...just checking for harmful objects. Can't be too careful in this cafeteria. He gives back the donut and backs away. Have a nice day!
Arthur: There's only one real anti-Binky weapon.
He shows a drawing of Sue Ellen.