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Bubsy Burger

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Bubsy Burger
Family Mama Burger (mother)

Cartoon debut "Night Fright"
Voiced by Danny Brochu (s16)

Bubsy Burgers, or just burgers are hamburgers that are alive in imagination sequences.

It first appeared in Binky's dream-turned-to-nightmare in "Night Fright." In his dream, he was on a hill covered with burgers and was about to eat one, when it turned out to be alive. It called its mama, and she chased Binky until the dream ended.

Two of them reappear in the opening of "Best Enemies," where one likes being covered in mustard and the other doesn't.

One is seen in "Sue Ellen Vegges Out," where Francine talks with it, telling Bubsy that she misses it and would have said good-bye, but there wasn't enough time. Technically, there were three burgers, but the other two were wrapped and could not be seen. However, this burger had two patties instead of one, as Francine mentioned that she and Muffy were going for "double Bubsys after school."

