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Bitzi's Break-up/Transcript
Bitzi, Buster, and Harry Mills are walking past the Sugar Bowl
- Buster: Wow! What a great circus! How do they get poodles to dance like that? And that clown on stilts the whole time how did he do it?
- Harry: Well I should probably be heading home.
- Buster: Why? It's only three-o-clock. Hey is anybody hungry? I'm starving! I bet you know what I'm gonna have Harry! C'mon!
- [Buster enters Sugar Bowl]
- Harry: Maybe we both should tell him.
- [Bitzi and Harry enter the Sugar Bowl]
- Buster: There it is! The Harry Mills meatball experience! Three meatballs and four strips of bacon smothered in maranara sauce and melted provolone! How'd you get a sandwich named after you Harry? By living alone and not knowing how to cook I suppose.
- Buster: [whistling]
- Bitzi: Buster honey, there's something Harry and I would like to talk to you about.
- Buster: Hey look! Househorse is playing! Y'know it's that new animated movie where the kitchen things battle the cleaning things? And it's starting in fifteen minutes!
- [Buster runs to the door]
- Buster: C'mon! We'll eat later! If we hurry we can JUST make it.
- [Buster runs out]
- Harry: You tried..
- Bitzi: I guess I'll just tell him tonight.
- [Buster is knocking on the window, they head out]
- [Buster lets go of his balloon]
Bitzi's Break-up
Written by Peter K. Hirsch - Storyboards by Jeremy O'Neill
Buster is in his room. He's throwing a baseball glove into his glove. It's signed by somebody.
- [Bitzi knocks]
- Bitzi: Buster, are you still up?
- Buster: [fake sleeping] Mmmmm. Comets coming.
- [Bitzi takes Buster's glove, turns off a light, tucks him in]
- [Bitzi leaves the room]
- Buster: [sad] Aughhhhh....
The next day Buster goes downstairs. Birds are chirping.
- Buster: [in a rush] Morning mom I think I'll go right to school. Cya have a great day!
- Bitzi: Hold on Buster! It's only 7:30. Sit down and have some breakfast.
- Buster: Ummm I'm not hungry.
- Bitzi: Buster, you're always hungry. Besides, there's something I have to tell you.
- Buster: [sad] Don't bother.. I already know what you're gonna say.. Harry's going away and he's not coming back because he's decided to become a pilot or a sponge diver or some other job you can't do in Elwood City.
- Bitzi: No sweety, Harry isn't going anywhere.
- Buster: He isn't? That's great! Hahaha here I was all upset over nothing! So. What's the big news?
- Bitzi: Harry and I are breaking up.
- Buster: [jaw drops]
At the Tree House, Arthur and Buster are dicussing this.
- Arthur: So, why are they breaking up?
- Buster: I don't know. I didn't feel like asking. But I sure will miss going to Grebe games. Harry and I have been following them all season.
Buster's has a flashback of a Grebes game him and Harry went to.
- Announcer: Bottom of the ninth.. and the score is tied.. if the Elwood City Green-tailed Grebes make this out then we go to extra innings and they have a shot at breaking a twenty-two game losing streak. Can they do it?
- [The pitch is thrown!]
- Announcer: Line drive to second! Ebos [Spelling unknown] has his glove on it and he has a clear throw to first!
- Buster: Throw it Ebos!
- Harry: Get 'em out!
- [Ebos throws it, it goes over the first baseman's head]
- Nope. Looks like Ebos just couldn't get a grip on it. That's going to cost the Grebes the game.
- [The ball comes down, and lands in Harry's soda]
- Crowd: Booooooooo!
- [Harry gets the ball out of his soda, and hands it to Buster]
- Buster: Woohoo! I got the losing ball!
Back to the Tree House
- Buster: They still haven't won a game. But Harry and I always had a great time going.
- Arthur: Can't you go with your mom?
- Buster: Nah. She doesn't like baseball.
- Arthur: Well, maybe she'll get another boyfriend who does.
- Buster: A new boyfriend? Y-You think she's gonna get a new boyfriend?
- Arthur: Well..., I don't know. She could.
- Buster: [alarmed] No! She can't! I-I mean it took me a long time to get used to Harry. And what if her new boyfriend is REALLY boring?
Buster's fantasy
- Bitzi: Martin, I was thinking you could spend some time with Buster tomorrow. Maybe show him where you work.
- Martin: Aww... do I have to?
- [At Martin's office]
- [Phones ringing]
- Martin: Sit there, don't touch anything. What time is it?
- Buster: six-o-clock.
- Martin: Dinner time... perfect.
- [Martin calls somebody]
- Martin: Good evening Mrs. Abbigail Adams I'm Martin Spivak[Spelling unknown] of Never Better Insurance. Does your homeowner's policy cover mudslides, locust, and killer mole?
- [He gets off the phone]
- Martin: [yawn] Copies past the copy machine. I'll take it black, five sugars.
Back to the tree house
- Buster: I hate Martin Spivak!
- Arthur: Who?
- Buster: Awww nevermind Arthur I can't let Harry break up with my mom! She has to win him back!
- [Buster climbs down the ladder]
- Arthur: Buster you shouldn't get involved! Besides, how on Earth could you change Harry's mind?
- Buster: [shouting] By going to an expert!
Muffy's mansion
- Muffy: So let me get this straight, the love of your life just crushed your heart and now you're willing to do anything to get her back.
- Buster: No I told you! This is all about my mother!
- Muffy: Oh, I understand. This is your mother's problem. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.
- Buster: What secret? There's no secret!
- Muffy: Well I always say nothing impresses that special someone like a romantic dinner with candles, flowers, the works! Here... You'll find all the ingredients in the February issue of'Tween Queenmagazine.
- Buster: A romantic dinner? But I can't cook.
- Muffy: So? Have it catered. Try Trattoria Molto Denaro. They do a divine Penne Bolognese.
Muffy meets Buster at school.
Muffy: So, did Sue Ellen fall for it?
Buster: Once and for all, it wasn’t for Sue Ellen.
Muffy: Oh.
Buster: And the whole thing was a complete disaster. Here, you can have your magazine back.
He hands it back. They walk out of school.
Muffy: The heart is mysterious, Buster. Look at me and the Backstreet Boys. First I thought I loved Nick, then Howie, when all along it was A.J. who was meant for me. Who knew?
She gets in her limo and drives off. A baseball rolls up to Buster’s feet.
Harry Mills: Wow! You’re even slower than Evo Shpecter.
Buster: Hi, Harry. What are you doing here?
Harry Mills: I was just on my way to get a milkshake with your mother, and I thought you might like to join us.
Buster: You’re getting a milkshake with her? You mean it worked.
Harry Mills: Um, no, we’re still broken up. But we’re also still friends just like you and me.
Buster: So, can we still go to Grebes games together?
Harry Mills: Sure. In fact I have a little project I was wondering if you could help me with.
Bitzi:Can I get this "Buster" to go, please?