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Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Transcript
Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery[edit]
A room is shown containing memorabilia from previous “Talking Babies and Animals”-episodes. Kate sits in a cross between a throne and a high chair.
Kate: Oh! Hello! I'm Baby Kate, your host of this week's Mashed Peas Theater. She glides out of the chair and crawls to a wall with paintings of Nadine, Pal and Nemo. A cat, a dog, an imaginary friend. What do these three creatures have in common?
Pal joins her.
Pal: Hair! They all have lots of hair. Am I right?
Kate: Pal, I was asking them!
She points to the camera.
Pal: Oh! “Them”! Why are you asking “them”? They never say anything, even when Arthur talks to them.
Kate: It was a rhetorical question. That's when you ask a question, but you already know the answer.
Pal: Why on Earth would you do that?! (sighs) I'll never understand humans.
Kate: (sighs) Now, where was I?
Pal: You were asking what the handsome dog, the hideous cat and the imag... Oh, wait. It was one of those questions, wasn't it? Sorry.
Kate: I'll just tell you what they have in common. They're all part of the thrilling, spine-tingling, most amazing adventure ever!
Pal: And I'm in it?
Kate: You're the star!
Pal: Do I get top billing?
Kate: We'll talk about that later. Action!
Title Card: Pal Searches[edit]
Mr. Read is planting flowers in the garden. Nearby, Pal is digging a hole.
Kate: Don't you just love gardening? That hole's big enough. Now we just have to put something in it that we want to grow.
Pal pulls a wallet out of Mr. Read’s back pocket and drops it in the hole.
Pal: We'll make a wallet tree.
Kate: Capital idea!
A bush behind Kate rustles.
Pal: Something's in the bushes! Stay here, Kate! Ruff! Ruff! Come out this instant! You're trespassing on Read property now! A pixie flies out. Pal hides behind Kate. Aah! A giant green bee in a hat! Run!
Amigo follows the pixie.
Amigo: Relax, Pal! It's just Treenie, Vicita's imaginary friend.
Kate: Hello! We've never met. I'm Kate. This is Pal.
Treenie: Necesito ayuda...
She keeps talking in Spanish while Amigo translates.
Amigo: She needs your help. She was supposed to have tea with Nadine, D.W.'s imaginary friend, but she hasn't seen her for three days. She's worried that something has happened.
Kate: D.W. did look upset this morning.
Pal: To think of it, I haven't seen Nadine for a while.
Kate: She could just be hiding. We'd better check the house first. Pal runs off. (cries)
Mr. Read picks her up and notices the wallet in the hole. He takes it.
Pal searches under the living room couch.
Pal: Nadine? Oh!
Snooter the flying pig flies up.
Pal pulls away the shower curtain while Arthur is in the shower.
Arthur: Pal!
He closes the curtain.
D.W. plays Confuse the Goose against the Tibbles in her room. Kate sits in her crib.
D.W.: Give the dice back, Timmy! My turn!
Their further argument sounds like baby talk to Kate.
Pal: I checked everywhere. No sign.
Kate: She's not in here either. Maybe Treenie was right and something did happen to Nadine.
Pal: I bet those Tibbles took her. They're always taking things from D.W.
Kate: You might be right! Look at her!
D.W. argues with the Tibbles. The goose has apparently been broken off.
D.W.: Blah-blah-blee-blah-blah!
Pal: She's hysterical with grief. Those heartless ruffians!
Kate: How could she not be? D.W. and Nadine have always done everything together. Brush their teeth...
Flashback: D.W. puts toothpaste on her brush while her dad is giving Kate a bath. Nadine appears beside her and D.W. puts paste on her brush too.
Kate: Play hide and seek...
Flashback: D.W. sits on her bed.
D.W.: ...eight, nine, ten! Ready or not, here I come!
She walks to a tea set and takes the lid off the teapot. Nadine’s head pops out.
D.W.+Nadine: (laugh)
Kate: And Nadine always takes D.W.'s side in an argument.
Flashback: Arthur and D.W. race to the TV remote control. Arthur gets there first.
D.W.: You're a meany! (blows raspberry)
Nadine appears beside her.
Nadine: Yeah! (blows raspberry)
The flashbacks end.
Pal: Don't worry, Kate, I'll find her. Let's see. The Tibbles are probably keeping her at their house. A-ha! I'll stow away in there! He jumps into Tommy’s backpack. Oof. He closes the lid. It is labled “OM BLE”. It's dark in here.
The Tibbles leave D.W.’s house.
Tommy: This backpack is really heavy.
Timmy: No, it isn't! You're just weak!
Tommy: No, I'm not! Look! (grunts)
He lifts the backpack over his head. Pal is tossed about inside.
Pal: Stop! S-stop! I-I'm getting bag sick!
Timmy: Okay, you're not weak. But you are slow!
He runs off and Tommy runs after him.
Pal: Ow! Mmm! Mmm! Ow! …
In the Tibbles’ kitchen the twins put their backpacks on chairs, each take a muffin and leave.
Timmy+Tommy: Mmm...
Pal gets out of the backpack.
Pal: Ew! What kind of creature puts a half-eaten banana in his backpack? He licks the stain on his foreleg. Mm! It's not bad!
Nemo lies on the window sill. The window is open.
Nemo: Well, well, well! Did the Reads finally give you away? How wise!
Pal: Nemo! What are you doing here?
Nemo: Following a fly.
Pal: I'm on a mission. You'd better stay out of my way.
Nemo comes inside and walks on the sideboard.
Nemo: A mission? Ooh! Are you looking for garbage to eat? Or roll in?
Pal: That's it! Put up your paws, kitty litter breath!
He cannot get at the sideboard.
Nemo: Need a stepladder, pooch-ums?
Mrs. Tibble: (hums)
Nemo: It's Grandma Tibble!
The animals hide. Mrs. Tibbles comes in.
Mrs. Tibble: (sighs)
She takes the last muffin, closes the window and walks out.
Nemo: (gasps) I'm trapped!
Pal: Serves you right. Good luck finding your fly!
Nemo: I already found him. We had lunch.
He winks and licks his lips.
Pal: Ugh! Cats!
Nemo: Wait! Don't leave me here! There are Tibbles around!
He runs after Pal.
Pal searches the hallway.
Nemo: What is it we're looking for, exactly?
Pal: We are not looking for anything! I, however, have to find Nadine. We believe she's being held captive by the Tibbles.
Nemo: What would the Tibbles want with D.W.'s imaginary friend?!
Pal: I'm not sure. Maybe they're trying to get her to spill D.W.'s most precious secrets.
In Pal’s imagination, Nadine is tied to a chair. Timmy tickles her feet with a feather.
Timmy: Come on, Nadine! What does the D and the W stand for?
Tommy: Fess up!
Nadine: No! No, I'll never tell you! Never!
Timmy: Fine! If you don't wanna tell us, you can tell our imaginary friend, Uncle Wormy!
He opens the door and a monstrous creature comes in.
Nadine: Augh!
The fantasy ends.
Pal: Their bedroom! That's probably where they're keeping her!
He runs to the stairs.
Nemo: I'm not going up there.
Pal: Suit yourself. I always wondered where the term "scaredy cat" came from.
He runs up the stairs.
Nemo: Humph! Feeble-minded hair-ball. He walks down the hallway. There must be an open window here somewhere. Aargh!
Mrs. Tibble comes out of the door with a vacuum cleaner. She is still wearing earphones and does not notice Nemo, who retreats and runs up the stairs after Pal.
Pal stands in front of the twins’ room when Nemo joins him.
Nemo: (pants) This mission is too dangerous for one pet, so I've decided to help you. You can pay me back later.
Pal: Just don't get underfoot. Come on! The coast is clear!
Pal and Nemo enter the room. Pal finds some glitter on the floor.
Pal: Hm. This glittery powder could be a clue. Nadine often appears in a burst of colored sparkles.
Nemo: Right, right... a clue... Better go sniff it out. He pulls a toy mouse from behind a waste paper basket. A mouse! Ugh! Arg! It's fake! What a rotten trick! (gasps)
The door opens and the Tibbles come in. Pal hides under the bed.
Kate paces in her crib.
Kate: Any sign of Pal or Nadine yet?
Treenie flies to the window and calls to Amigo who is down in the street.
Treenie: Amigo, ¿los puedes ve?
Amigo shakes his head.
Amigo: Nada.
Treenie: These Tibbles - I have not met them. Are they dangerous?
Kate: They can be. Look what they did to that goose earlier today.
They look at the damaged Confuse the Goose set.
Treenie: (gasps)
Kate: Don't worry, Treenie. I'm sure Pal has everything under control and will be back with Nadine any minute now. I hope...
Pal looks out from under a bed.
Pal: Nemo, quick! Pretend you're one of the stuffed animals.
Nemo sits among stuffed animals and grins. Timmy picks him up.
Timmy: Hey, I don't remember this one! Is it yours, Tommy?
Tommy: No. It looks really goofy. Maybe it's DW's.
Timmy: Yeah! Let's take out its stuffing.
Both boys grab Nemo.
Timmy: Wait! What if it's one of Grandma's stuffed animals?
Tommy: Oh! Yeah! We'd better put it in the doll room.
The twins walk out with Nemo. Pal comes out from under the bed.
Pal follows the Tibbles. They walk into the doll room in the attic and throw Nemo on a shelf. When they walk out, Pal come out from behind the door.
Nemo: Oh! I thought I was done for! That's it! I've had enough of this horrible place!
He walks out of the window on the roof.
Pal: Nemo! Don't be a fool! We're too high up!
Nemo: I'll take my chances!
He runs off.
Pal looks around the room.
Pal: This looks like the perfect place for an imaginary friend! Yoo-hoo! Anyone here?
Stanley: Pal?
Pal: Nadine?
Stanley waves from a shelf.
Stanley: It's me, Stanley! Up here! How's Arthur? Is he sleeping through the night without me?
Pal: Oh, yes, he's fine. But he does miss you from time to time. Stanley smiles. Stanley, I have reason to believe the Tibbles have kidnapped Nadine. Do you know where they might be hiding her?
Stanley: I don't think she's here. Have you heard anything, Jumbo?
A pink elephant next to Stanley shakes his head.
Stanley: Sorry, Pal. Jumbo would know. He can hear everything, even when a gnat sneezes!
Jumbo looks to the side.
Jumbo: Gesundheit!
Stanley: See?
Pal: But if the Tibbles don't have her, then who does? And how am I going to get out of here?
That night, D.W. sleeps in her bed. Kate gets up.
Kate: That's it. I can't wait any longer. She tries to climb out of her crib. Pal! Oof! She falls back down. Pal comes in looking very dirty. You're back! I was so worried! Phew, you stink!
Pal: I know! I hid in the Tibbles' garbage can and was taken out with the trash. It was the only way I could think of escaping!
A short flashback shows Mrs. Tibble taking out the trash. Pal jumps out of the trashcan.
Kate: What about Nadine? Did you find her?
Pal: I'm afraid, this time we've let D.W. down.
Kate: Poor Nadine.
Nadine appears in the room with a suitcase.
Pal: Nadine! You're all right!
Nadine: Why wouldn't I be all right?
Kate: You were gone for so long. And when you didn't show up for tea with Treenie, we thought you might be in trouble.
Nadine: Oh! I forgot about that tea. I should've left a note. I was on vacation.
Pal: Where did you go?
Nadine: Fairy Land. Look! I brought photos. That's me with the Tooth Fairy. And that's me with Rumpelstiltskin at the mud baths. And those are some pixies I met doing trust falls at the orientation.
She shows photos from out of her suitcase.
Kate: But...what about D.W.? How could you leave her for three whole days?
Nadine: Actually, D.W. hasn't called for me much, lately. Even though I'm always there for her when she needs me. I think she might be starting to get too old for me. I hear it happens.
Kate: If that does happen, Nadine, you can be my imaginary friend.
Nadine: Thanks, Kate! Well, I'd better go tell Treenie I'm back. See you guys later.
She disappears.
Pal: I guess it'll be the Adventures of Baby Kate and Nadine from now on. (sniffs) I probably should have just stayed at the Tibbles'.
Kate: Don't be silly! You know I'll always love you best. Pal licks her. Ugh! Even if you smell like garbage! No licking till you've had a bath!