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Attack of the Turbo Tibbles/Transcript

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(The Tibble twins are heard making annoying sounds offscreen; Pal covers his ears; Arthur is seen at his table doing his homework; the lead on his pencil snaps)

Arthur: Mr. Ratburn gives hard homework, and it's even harder when my sister D.W. is outside with her friends, the Tibble twins.

(Arthur goes back to doing his homework; the lead again snaps and is followed with the Tibbles making obnoxious noises; Arthur groans in disappointment)

Arthur: Even one of them is bad enough.

(Ripple-effect to a purple background; Timmy runs in from the left and stops; zoom out to reveal Arthur)

Arthur: Without stopping to take a breath, Timmy Tibble can yell for five minutes.

(Timmy screams while his face turns into a jet turbine and then back to normal; Arthur covers his ears; wipe to a dark cyan background)

(Tommy runs in from the right yelling; zoom out to reveal Arthur)

Arthur: And Tommy Tibble, sometimes it seems like he's four kids.

(Three transparent Tommys appear and run around in circles with the real Tommy making noises; Arthur covers his ears while the screen shakes)

(Ripple effect back to the Read household, Arthur is still covering his ears)

Arthur: If you think the Tibbles are bad now, imagine what they'd be like if they had superpowers.

Binky: (V.O.) "Attack of the Turbo Tibbles." (Title card)

(Two pairs of tentacles reach out from inside the ring; D.W. looks at them, screams, then runs away; the Tibbles pop up laughing)

(Mrs. Read is seen typing on her computer; the Tibbles are heard yelling in the background)

Arthur: Mom, I can't concentrate on my homework with D.W. and her friends screaming outside.

(Outside, D.W., Tommy, and Timmy are all running in circles screaming)

Mrs. Read: I'll talk to them.

(Mrs. Read is seen bringing the three children inside)

Mrs. Read: Can we think of something quieter for you to do? Arthur has a lot of homework. Maybe a game?

Tommy and Timmy: *simultaneously* TV! TV!

Mrs. Read: How about a video?

D.W.: That one.

(The Tibbles shout in agreement; Mrs. Read loads the VCR with the video cassette and turns the TV on)

Woman on TV: Mary Moo Cow sings about feet!

Mary Moo Cow: *rapping* Your toes would roll around inside your shoes, if you didn't have feet to attach them to. Feet!

(Several pictures of feet are seen; Mrs. Read leaves while the children watch the program)

Arthur: Thanks, Mom.

Mrs. Read: You must have extra difficult homework to be working this hard.

Arthur: No, I just wanna finish it extra fast so I can watch Secrets of Magic on TV tonight. They’re gonna tell how all the best trick are done. Maybe I’ll learn how to make D.W. disappear.

(He goes up the stairs; later, the children are still watching the video about feet; a woman is heard saying “feet” in time to opera-styled music)

Timmy: I never thought about feet this much before. They’re weird!

(The video suddenly stops playing)

Tommy: Hey, put that show back on! They were just getting to the part with the feet!

(D.W. tries to make the video play)

D.W.: It won’t go.

Tommy: We know how to take a VCR apart.

Timmy: We do?

(Short pause)

Timmy: Yeah, we do! We’ll fix it!

(The boys go near the TV; D.W. stops them)

D.W.: No, I’m supposed to turn it off and go get Mommy. You guys sit. Stay.

(She turns the TV to something else and leaves the room)

D.W.: Mom! Mom!

(On the TV, a scarecrow puppet with a pumpkin head is seen dancing to playful music)

Timmy: Aw, Pumpkins in Pants. That’s for babies!

(Tommy changes the channel; a bat and a worm are seen hanging from a wooden bar)

Bat: Gee, Wormy. That was the best nap ever!

Timmy: Nah. Too busy and not scary.

(Tommy again changes the channel; two robots fly down from the top of the screen and start making poses and fly up; rock music is heard playing in the background; the TIbbles jump up in surprise)

Timmy: What’s this?

(On the TV, a shark and a narwhal are seen surfacing from the water; a fight scene erupts)

T-Bot Crimson: Head action, now!

(T-Bot Crimson’s head flies around the gray shark)

Tommy and Timmy: Cool!

Mrs. Read: Excuse me, boys, but we don’t watch this show here.

Timmy: *Pointing at Tommy* Tommy made me watch it!

Tommy: I dropped the thing, it fell and hit my foot, and this show came on… by accident!

(Mrs. Read changes the channel)

Timmy: D.W., we’ve just seen the best thing there ever was!

(D.W. looks surprised; fade to the next scene; D.W. is seen waiting for her best friend Emily)

Emily: I thought the weekend would never end. I just couldn’t wait to go to school again.

D.W.: Me too. My brother Arthur thinks school is hard, but it's fun. I guess that's because I'm smarter.

(The girls stop moving; cut to Tommy; he is seen wearing a costume similar to T-Bot Emerald; he opens his mask'

D.W.: Tommy?

Tommy: Hey, D.W..

(Timmy walks near Tommy; he is seen wearing a costume similar to T-Bot Crimson)

Timmy: You're not Tommy. You are T-Bot *flips Timmy's mask shut* Emerald.

D.W.: Is it Halloween already?

Tommy: These aren't costumes. We're the Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team.

(Timmy starts singing a heroic jingle)

Tommy: We defend all the universe, and those who would do wrong, and battle our archenemies. Whales that run up on land and kick you.

(Timmy pulls out an inflatable whale and passes it to Tommy, who then grabs the whale's tail and slams it on the floor repeatedly; pull back; Timmy is seen with an inflated narwhal and joins in with Tommy slamming the balloon animals on the floor; the twins then throw it in front of them)

Timmy and Tommy: And we always triumph!

(They make the time-out gesture and pose)

D.W. (bored) Oh.

(Fade to Miss Morgan)

Miss Morgan: Everyone, take out your crayons.

(Pan to D.W., Emily, and the Tibbles. Emily and D.W. are seen coloring while the Tibbles are just sitting at the desk)

D.W.: Aren't you gonna color?

Tommy: We don't color. We fight crime!

(Timmy stands up)

Timmy: I detect a crime.

(He points at Emily, who then screams)

Timmy: She's coloring outside the lines!

(Emily looks at D.W. in dismay; wipe to the outside; there, Miss Morgan is conducting her class as they sing the alphabet song)

Students: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P.

(Cut to Timmy; he points at Emily)

Emily: What?

Tommy: When singing the alphabet, you slur "LMNLP" together!

Timmy: It's not "LMNLP", it's "LMN'R'P".

Tommy: Oh, yeah? I challenge you!

(They start singing a battle theme; the students all run away as the Tibbles dance around each other)

Miss Morgan: Boys! Time out!

(She makes the time-out gesture)

Tommy: She makes the T-Bot secret T!

Timmy: She's one of us!

Both: Command received.

(They sit down; Miss Morgan thinks)

(Wipe to the Tibble house; the Tibbles are seen watching "Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team"; wipe to them at the park, Timmy is seen counting as he is on a tree)

Timmy: 1, 9, 10. Ready or not, I'm setting my sensors to find you!

(He starts singing a jingle; Tommy pops out from behind a bush pointing at D.W. and Emily)

Tommy: Enemies are hiding in the bush quadrant!

(Timmy meets up with Tommy, D.W., and Emily)

Emily: That isn't fair. He told you.

Tommy: Because we are a team.

Both: The Terrific Turbo Trooper Toy T-Bot Team!

(They dance around D.W. and Emily making noises)

Timmy: We only hurt bad guys!

Tommy: Head action, now! Ow.

(He tries to take his mask off, but can't)

(The Tibbles are again watching "Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team"; on the show, T-Bot Emerald's head bursts through the brick wall)

T-Bot Emerald: Peek-a-boo!

(The shark and narwhal shriek and knock over their table; T-Bot Emerald looks at the kids)

T-Bot Emerald: Remember, kids: Don't try this at home!

Timmy: Good one!

Tommy: Yes!

(The next day, D.W. is on the phone)

D.W.: Hi, Timmy. Want to ride bikes? No. My mom says I can't watch that show. Bye.

(She hangs up and enters the living room)

Mrs. Read: Are you going to play with the Tibbles?

(D.W. jumps on the couch)

D.W.: No. All they want to do is watch Terrible Tuba Toofors.

(At the Tibbles' house, the twins are seen playing with the inflated shark and narwhal; Timmy hits the shark with his hand while Tommy throws it into the air; cut to the TV; T-Bot Emerald and T-Bot Crimson are seen flying through space)

T-Bot Emerald: Head action, now!

(His head detaches from his body)

Timmy: Head action, now! Ow.

(He tries to pull the mask off, but to no avail)

(The next day at school, a car pulls up; cut to the entry; D.W. is seen standing in front of the double doors; Emily walks near her)

Emily: Are they robots all the time now?

D.W.: I think so. Let's go inside before their trackers zero in on us.

(Timmy and Tommy look at the school; inside their imagination, the school appears to resemble a colony base; the Tibble Twins appear as T-Bot Emerald and Crimson respectively)

Tommy: We've made it back to headquarters!

(They fly into the ship; inside, there are four robots in a row; Timmy and Tommy land in front of them)

Timmy: Greetings, friendly robots!

(Tommy looks off to the side)

Tommy: Oh, no! Debulons!

(A shrimp and a slug that resemble D.W. and Emily come out of the corridor)

Timmy: Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team, let's go!

(They pose, then start doing cartwheels around D.W. and Emily; they start screaming; back in reality, the Tibbles make karate sounds while moving around; Emily holds the block above her head; D.W. runs away from them)

D.W.: Miss Morgan! Miss Morgan!

(Cut to Miss Morgan; she makes the time-out gesture)

Miss Morgan: Time out!

(The Tibbles stop making noises; pan to D.W., then warp back to her as a space shrimp)

D.W.: Get away from me!

(She runs away; Timmy and Tommy chase after her)

Timmy: Head action, now!

(His head flies off his body and towards D.W.; Tommy looks at Miss Morgan making a time-out gesture, who takes on the appearance of the Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team commander)

Tommy: T-Bot Crimson!

(Back in reality, Timmy tries to take off his mask; Tommy taps his shoulder)

Tommy: T-Bot Crimson, our leader gives us the secret symbol!

Miss Morgan: You boys know the rules. No rough playing!

Timmy and Tommy: Command received.

(In Arthur's room, he is seen playing with his Bionic Bunny action figure; D.W. barges in; Arthur stops playing and gets back to work)

D.W.: This is all your fault!

Arthur: What is?

D.W.: The Tibble twins would have never seen that show if you didn't make us watch TV. Now all they do is Terminal Tire Tube Team all the time! It's so annoying.

Arthur: Did you tell them it annoys you?

D.W.: No.

Arthur: Why don't you tell them how you feel? Tell them to cut it out. They're not really super robots, and it's annoying everyone.

D.W.: I never thought of that!

(At the Tibbles' house the next day, Timmy and Tommy, who are still in their T-Bot costumes, are seen running in circles while singing)

D.W.: We have to tell them to cut it out. They're not really super robots, and it's annoying everyone.

Emily: Good idea! Did your mom tell you that?

D.W.: No. I thought it up myself.

(They get off the swings and walk toward the Tibbles)

D.W.: Um, guys? Can we talk to you?

Timmy: T-Bot Emerald, look!

D.W.: We have to talk.

(Warp to D.W. as the shark and Emily as the narwhal)

D.W.: We have to talk.

Timmy: Get them!

(He and Tommy chase after D.W. and Emily; the girls run away screaming; back in reality, Emily hides behind the slide while D.W. runs behind the swing set)

D.W.: Cut it out!

(Timmy and Tommy make the T-Bot symbol)

Tommy: Surrender! We always win!

D.W.: I don't want to play this game! It's stupid!

(In Tommy's imagination, he blasts D.W. with green electricity)

Tommy: A good blast from my rocket gloves will solve this problem!

(Back in reality)

D.W.: I said stop it!

(Timmy grabs ahold of the swing; he throws it forward and hits D.W. in the face; D.W. falls over and starts crying; Emily runs over to her)

Emily: What did you do?!

(She looks at D.W.'s face)

Emily: Blood! Mrs. Tibble! D.W.'s face is bleeding! I think it's broken!

(She runs to get Mrs. Tibble; D.W. continues to lay on the ground crying; Timmy and Tommy, realizing the damage they've done, run to their garage)

(Fade to their base; Tommy is looking at a computer; Timmy looks off into space worried)

Tommy: Our tiny space "transmorwanderer" is broken! We may never be able to get home!

(Timmy takes off his mask)

Timmy: Cut it out. I don't want to play this anymore.

Tommy: Put your helmet on! We're out in space and you need it!

Timmy: I quit! What if D.W.'s dying?

(Tommy takes his mask off)

Tommy: Can you die from getting hit in the mouth?

Timmy: I don't know.

Mrs. Tibble: (offscreen) Timmy! Tommy!

Timmy: If she finds us, we're gonna get punished!

Tommy: I guess we'll have to live out here forever!

(They drop their masks and stand up with their backs against the wall)

Timmy: I told you we should've hid against the back wall.

(Mrs. Tibble opens the garage door)

Mrs. Tibble: There you are.

(Timmy and Tommy run to her legs while crying)

Both: We're sorry!

Mrs. Tibble: I think you should apologize to D.W., not to me.

Timmy: You mean she's alive?

Mrs. Tibble: Yes. Her mother took her to the emergency room.

(Wipe to the hospital; Mrs. Tibble and the twins are seen going inside; inside, Mr. and Mrs. Read are seen with D.W.; Mrs. Read is obstructing D.W.)

Mrs. Read: You were very brave, D.W.. It doesn't look so bad.

(Cut to D.W.; she has a scar near her mouth)

D.W.: Well, it feels bad.

(The door is heard opening; Timmy and Tommy enter)

Timmy: D.W.! You're alive!

(They run over to D.W. and give her a hug while crying)

Both: We're sorry!

Tommy: Timmy did it!

D.W.: You cry more than I did when I got stitches in my face.

(Timmy rubs his eye)

Timmy: I'm sorry. It was supposed to be fun. No one on the show ever bleeded or got stitches.

D.W.: That's because it's just a dumb show. You're not supposed to do what they do. It's not real.

Timmy and Tommy: Oh.

(The Reads and Tibbles are seen leaving the hospital together)

Timmy: Want to come over and watch some TV? We promise to only watch real things so nobody can get hurt.

D.W.: Okay!

Tommy: We could watch wrestling!

Timmy: No, it's real.

D.W.: No.

Timmy: I know! Football!

D.W.: No.

Tommy: But football's real.

D.W.: No.

(Pan to the sun; fade to black)