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Arthur Wiki:Votes for Featured Articles

From Arthur Wiki
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Be sure to vote!
Images, Videos, and Articles.

This is where you can nominate and vote on articles to be featured on the front page each month.

  • Votes made by users not logged in (including regular anons) will not be counted.
  • To nominate, simply write your nomination under the Nominees section and sign your posts. A nomination is equal to a vote, and it's one nomination per person meaning you can then vote up to once more for another nominee.
  • To vote, simply post *{{Support}} and sign with ~~~~ under the nominee to symbolize your support. You can vote for up to two nominees at a time. You can always change it at anytime, until the selection date by using the {{Unvote}} template.
  • To vote against a nominee, simply post *{{Oppose}} and sign with ~~~~ under the nominee to symbolize your opposition. You can oppose up to three nominees. You can always change it at anytime, until the selection date by using the {{Unvote}} template.
  • An example of unvoting in use would be *{{Unvote|{{Support}}}}.

January 2013[edit]
