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Arthur Makes a Movie/Transcript
Movie Theater[edit]
(Arthur, D.W., and their Mom and Dad are at the movies)
Announcer (off-screen): And now, some scenes from our coming attractions.
Announcer: And now some scenes from our coming attractions. D.W. holds her hand over her eyes.
Arthur: This is the kind of movie I like best. One with great chase scenes!
Motorbike chase.
Announcer: He’s back and his bite is worse than his bark!
Arthur: And lots of action and suspense.
Hound fights a villain in a fish restaurant and wraps him in a net.
James Hound: May I suggest the catch of the day? Sorry about the mess. Put it on my tab.
Barkeeper: What's the name, Monsieur?
James Hound: The name is Hound, James Hound.
Arthur: And lots of really cool gadgets.
Hound’s pen expands to a jetpack.
Arthur: And evil geniuses planning to rule the world.
Villain: And when I control all the salt mines, everyone will bow down to me!
President: These fries are tasteless. We've got to do something!
Arthur: And then there are the really boring scenes...
Hound with a woman on a beach.
Hound Girl: Oh, James! James!
Arthur: ...but they don't last too long. (sighs) Yep, that's just the type of film I'd like to see...
Announcer: Children under 13 not admitted unless unaccompanied by an adult.
Arthur: ...and can't.
Mr. Read: Sorry Arthur. Only five more years.
D.W.: Shh! It’s starting.
Announcer: And now our feature presentation: “Kitty Come Home”.
Arthur: Oh.
Arthur and his friends are filming at the library. Brain works on a computer. Behind them a lady is trying to check out books.
Arthur (Hound): You’ve got to hurry up, IQ. The missile will hit in ten seconds.
Lady: I don’t know what’s wrong, Miss Turner. The computer won’t let me check out these books.
Miss Turner: I guess we’ll just have to do it by hand.
Brain (IQ): According to my calculations, the last digit should be a one or a two, but which is it? A one or a two? The lights in the library go off. I guess it was a two.
A little later the kids leave the library.
Muffy: It's a good thing you got those lights working. We might have been banned from the library forever.
Brain: Sorry, I didn't know I was breaking into the library's electrical system.
The kids show Prunella their video. It includes a scene during the library blackout.
Brain: There! Did that make the lights go on?
Buster: I don't know. It's too dark to tell. Get it? (laughs) Brain gives him a look. Too dark to… No, still out. Keep trying!
Prunella: Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it was nothing like the James Hound movie…
Arthur: Oh yeah? Well, we tried but..
Prunella: It was much better!