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Arthur Makes Waves/Transcript
The introduction begins in a movie theater. Buster as a reporter appears on the screen.
Buster: Trouble in the Sandbox. Throughout history there have been kids who don’t play well together. From the dawn of time…
In a prehistoric world, Arthur’s friends face the Tough Customers. All are dressed like cavemen.
Molly: Oogh!
Arthur: Oogh! Muffy looks at her fur dress.
Muffy: Hh! Ugh!
Buster: …to the heyday of this great nation.
Arthur friends dressed as farmers face the Tough Customers dressed as ranchers.
Molly: Your crops are where our cows graze!
Arthur: Your cows are where our crops grow! Muffy looks at her dirty dungarees.
Muffy: Ugh!
Buster: Even in the days for your grandma and grandpa.
Arthur’s friends sit in a fifties style Sugar Bowl. The Tough Customers walk in wearing leather jackets.
Molly: Ogh!
Arthur: Agh! Muffy looks at her long skirt.
Muffy: Now this I like. She spins around.
Buster: That’s the way things have always been, and that’s the way things always will be. Someone hands him a note. Wait, this just in, ladies and gentlemen, and you’ll never believe it when I tell you.
Title Card: Arthur swims[edit]
The sun is burning. Arthur and D.W. walk down a street carrying stuff for the pool.
D.W.: Look, Arthur, it’s so hot my hair is crying.
Arthur: That’s sweat, D.W. Last one in the pool is a rotten egg!
They sprint to the community pool but find it closed. D.W. rattles the gate.
D.W.: It’s locked! Arthur reads a sign on the door.
Arthur: Community pool closed for repairs?
D.W.: Closed? What are we gonna do? (coughs) I’m suffocating from the heat. (coughs) Water! She sits down on a bench but jumps up immediately. Ow! That’s hot! Somebody’s gotta have a pool we can use. What about Muffy?
Arthur: Hm. Maybe.
D.W.: We could run in Grandma Thora’s sprinkler.
Arthur: Yeah, but that’s not a pool.
D.W.: I know! The Tibble twins just got a new pool. We can swim there.
Arthur: Tibbles?
D.W.: Water.
Arthur: Okay.
The Tibbles jump into a paddling pool in which Arthur and D.W. are sitting.
Timmy+Tommy: Yaaaah! They jump and splash until the pool gets a hole and deflates.
Arthur: Muffy’s? D.W. nods.
Muffy lies in a pedalo in her pool sunning herself.
Muffy: I’m so glad you came over. Arthur and D.W. are pedaling. Since D.W. is too short the pedals keep hitting her feet. Faster!
D.W.: Ow!
Muffy: Faster!
D.W.: Ow!
Arthur: Grandma Thora?
Arthur and D.W. enter the Senior Center with Grandma Thora.
Grandma Thora: I’m sure the Senior Center pool will be much more fun than my sprinkler.
Arthur and D.W. are in a pool with several old ladies doing water aerobics.
Trainer: And reach! And reach! Let’s go, ladies!
D.W.: This water is really hot.
Arthur: It’s like taking a bath, only with lots of ladies.
D.W.: Library? They move sideways while still doing arm exercises.
Arthur and D.W. walk up to the library.
Arthur: (sighs) It’s not a pool, but at least it’s got air-conditioning. A man comes out fanning himself.
Man: I wouldn’t go in there, if I were you. The air-conditioner’s broken.
Arthur and D.W. walk down a street.
D.W.: What does a kid have to do to cool off in this town?
From a garden the sound of laughter and splashing can be heard. D.W. runs to the gate.
Arthur: D.W., wait! A frisbee flies out of the garden.
James: Oops. James comes to the gate in swimming trunks. Oh, hello D.W. You don’t need me to kiss you again, do you?
D.W.: Uh-uh. She sees a pool in the garden. I didn’t know you had a pool.
Arthur and D.W. are in MacDonalds’ garden. James comes out of the house.
James: My mom talked to your mom and she said that you can swim here as long as Arthur swims here too.
Arthur: Okay with me.
D.W.: I told you we’d find a pool. Mrs. MacDonald comes out with a book.
Arthur: Not just any pool. The perfect pool. He is about to put a foot in the water.
Molly: Well, well, well. I didn’t know it was baby day at the pool. Arthur draws his foot back. Molly stands in the door. [Up to this point Arthur was apparently unaware that she is James’ sister.]
Flashback: Arthur is about to climb on the jungle gym.
Molly: Take one more step and you’re entering a world of pain!
Flashback: Arthur is about to take the last cupcake in the cafeteria.
Molly: Take that last cupcake and you’re entering a world of pain!
Flashback ends.
Molly: Step in that pool and you’re entering a world of pain! Arthur gets his bag.
Arthur: Uh, we were just going.
D.W.: But we just got here! Arthur takes D.W.’s hand and pulls her away.
Arthur: And now we’re leaving.
D.W.: I’m not going, so you can’t go! Mom said you had to watch me! to Molly: And your mother said we could! So Arthur, you get in that pool.
Molly: We’ll see about that. She goes into the house.
Molly talks to Rattles on the phone.
Molly: My mother says I have to let him play here.
Rattles: That’s okay. All you have to do is make it so hard for them to have fun that they’ll never come back again.
Molly: I like that.
Molly has partitioned about one third of the pool with a garden hose.
Molly: I swim on my side of the pool, and you swim on yours. If you can even get in.
Since the ladder is on Molly’s side, Arthur build a staircase out of boxes on the other side.
Arthur: Walk the plank! Arrgh!
D.W.: Arrgh! She drops into the pool
James: Me next! Me next! Make me walk the plank! Molly watches from her side.
Arthur: Okay, matey, prepare to… He gets a jet of water in the face. Molly holds a large squirt gun.
Molly: Gotcha!
A little later, Molly floats on an air mattress.
Arthur: Ready… Aim… Fire! He, D.W. and James squirt water out of their palms.
Molly: Aah! Molly falls off the mattress.
Arthur+D.W.+James: (laugh)
Molly: How babyish. Anybody can do that! She tries, but fails.
A while later Arthur attempts to throw a ball through D.W.’s arms. D.W. is sitting on James’ shoulders. The ball hits D.W.’s head.
Molly: Give it to me. She throws a “hoop”. See? That’s how you throw baskets. Now you try it. Arthur throws a “hoop”.
Arthur: Yeah! Hey, thanks, Molly.
Molly: Don’t mention it.
James: (giggles) He and D.W. fall in the water.
Molly: quietly: Can you show me how you do that water squirt thingy with your palms? Arthur nods.
A little later all four kids squirt water at each other. Then they have a breath holding competition. Then Molly sits on the side of the pool wearing an eye patch and holding D.W. on her knee.
Molly: Arthur, watch this!
D.W.: Quack! Polly wanna cracker!
Molly+D.W.: Arrgh! They drop into the water.
Arthur+James: (laugh)
Arthur, D.W., James and Molly are buying ice cream at the Sugar Bowl.
Arthur: Oh, and I forgot one. You can squirt water from under your armpit too.
Molly: Cool. If you want I can show you how to do a hook shot.
Arthur: Okay. Rattles comes in.
Rattles: So, Molly, did you tell that little baby to get lost? He sees Arthur. Huh?! What’s he doing here?! You’re not hanging out with him, are you?
Molly: No! I… He… I mean… Arthur brings Molly the two ice cream cones he is holding.
Arthur: Here’s your ice cream, Molly. It’s all my allowance would buy. I’m sorry I touched your pool. He winks at Molly. If you need more money, I’ll bring it tomorrow.
Molly: Just don’t let it happen again! Rattles smiles.
Rattles: Good work, Moll! See you at the jungle gym! He leaves.
Arthur+Molly: Whew.
In the park, Arthur and Molly kick a soccer ball around while D.W. and James play leapfrog.
Molly: That was close. You saved my reputation. My friends would never let me live it down if they knew I liked you.
Arthur: Yeah. I’m not sure my friends would understand either. They’d probably get scared.
D.W.: Maybe you guys should just act like you don’t know each other around everybody else. Arthur and Molly look at each other.
Molly: Deal?
Arthur: Deal. The both touch their noses, then shake hands. Just then Muffy walks into the park. She sees them and runs off.
Muffy meets Francine, Brain and Buster in the treehouse.
Buster: Holding hands. I don’t believe it.
Muffy: I saw it! They were right in the middle of the park in broad daylight.
Buster: They must have been arm wrestling.
Muffy: You don’t arm wrestle standing up.
Brain: She’s right. You need a table.
Francine: Face it, Buster! Arthur’s in L-O-V-E, love.
Buster: I won’t believe it till I see it!
Arthur and Buster are sitting in the Reads’ kitchen.
Buster: (laughs) It’s so ridiculous. It’s goofy the things that Muffy is saying about you. She said that you and… Molly walks in with a ball.
Molly: Hey, Arthur, I found the ball. She and Buster stare at each other. …that you touched! Quit leaving your cooties all over my yard. She throws the ball down and leaves.
Arthur: Can you believe that. She can keep her old ball. Uh. Be right back.
He goes outside where Molly is waiting.
Molly: That was a close one. Sorry about that.
Arthur: No problem. Thanks for the ball. I have something I want to show you too. Meet me at the library in an hour.
Arthur comes out of the library and gives Molly a book.
Arthur: Here, Molly. It’s got all kinds of cool hand tricks in it, like squirting water and stuff. Slink arrives.
Molly: Oh no! She gives Arthur the book. That’s for babies, you baby. Quit following me! Slink gives Molly a thumbs up and walks into the library.
Arthur: Phew. That was a super close one.
Molly: I’ll say. Wanna come shoot some hoops?
Arthur: Sure. They walk away together. Brain, who has been kneeling behind the bicycle stand, gets up looking confused. From within the Library Slink sees Arthur and Molly walking down the street.
Brain, Muffy, Buster and Francine are meeting in the treehouse.
Brain: And then they walked off together. I saw it yesterday afternoon.
Buster: I can’t believe it. What’s Arthur turning into?
In his imagination he is about to sit down at a cafeteria table with Arthur and the Tough Customers.
Buster: Hey, Arthur.
Arthur: You sit there and you’re entering a world of pain!
The fantasy ends.
Buster: Oh, we’ve got to do something or Arthur’s gonna turn into one of them.
Slink, Binky and Rattles are on the jungle gym.
Slink: And yesterday he gave her a book, and when they thought I wasn’t looking, they went off together.
Rattles: Ugh, what if she turns into one of them?
In Slink’s imagination Molly is sitting with the third graders. She is wearing a pink dress and has bows in her (otherwise unchanged) hair.
Molly: Hey, everybody! Let’s name the state capitals.
Kids: Yeah!
Slink: Oh!
The fantasy ends.
Slink: We’ve got to save Molly before it’s too late. He slides off the jungle gym.
The Tough Customers walk down the street. From the other direction Francine, Buster, Brain and Muffy are coming. All of them are looking determined. They meet at an intersection. Francine faces Rattles.
Francine: Your friend is ruining my friend!
Rattles: No, your friend is ruining my friend!
Buster: Your friend started this mess but we’re gonna put an end to it!
Rattles: No, we will! They walk on together.
Molly is reading the book on hand tricks in her garden when the kids arrive at the gate.
Francine: Okay, guys, let’s catch those two being friends…
Rattles: …and put a stop to it! They walk into the garden. Where’s Arthur?
Molly: Er…he, er… he…
Binky: You told him he couldn’t swim here anymore, didn’t you?
Molly: I… I…
Francine: He didn’t want to swim with you anymore, did he?
Molly: I… I… I…
Francine: Good work, you guys. That’s what I call teamwork. She shakes hands with Rattles.
Rattles: Thank goodness we nipped this thing in the bud before we all became friends or something.
Binky: Let’s go get a milkshake to celebrate.
All kids except Molly and James leave together. Just as soon as they are gone Arthur and D.W. come from the other side.
Arthur: Is it safe?
Molly: What are you doing here? I thought you’d be at the community pool. It’s open again.
Arthur: That’s where we’re going. I just wanted to give you back your ball, in case you need it for anything.
Molly: Ah, you better keep it. I can’t use it now that it has nerdy germs on it. You want your book back?
Arthur: I won’t be able to read it anymore. You put your cooties all over it. Both smile at each other and touch their noses. Then they part.