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The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club/Transcript

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The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club

Written by: Terence Taylor ---- Storyboard by: Angus Bungay

Francine Frensky: (V.O.) The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club.

Arthur Read: (yelping) Agh!

(Back to the story)

Dad: Ta-da! By special request, a hearty breakfast of my world-famous Whoopee Waffles!

D.W. Read, Mom: Whoopee Waffles!

Arthur: Morning, Mom, Dad! Gotta run!

(he bumps into his dad)

Dad: Arthur...

D.W.: Whoopee!


The kids wait in front of the library and talk about scary books.

Ms. Turner: E-hem. I’m afraid I have bad news. You won’t be able to check out the new Scare-Your-Pants-Off-Club book today after all. In fact all of our Scare-Your-Pants-Off-Club books have been removed from our shelves until further notice.

Kids: (scream)  They look like Edvard Munch’s painting.

Ms. Turner: Shh!


Arthur and Buster have watched a news report about PAWS.   

Buster: Condition red, Arthur. If we ever want our pants scared off again, we’ve got to do something fast.    Arthur stands still in shock.     Arthur?


Arthur,Buster, Francine and Brain lie in the grass and think.

Francine: What are we gonna do? It’s not fair.

Brain: Not much we can do. Generally speaking, minors have limited access to legal recourse or arbitration.

Arthur: Come on, we can’t give up. We never gave up before.

Buster: Sure we have.

Brain: Lots of times.

Arthur: Not when it’s important. Remember when you helped clean out my garage so I could go see “Galaxy Avengers”?

Flashback: The four kids clean the garage. Buster balances a broomstick on his nose.

Buster: Hey, look at me. Whoa!    He stumbles into Arthur who drops some boards. A bucket of paint falls over and spills. Francine is distracted and stumbles over a can while carrying a sack of trash.

Francine: Ah!    

Flashback ends.   

Francine: I remember. Nice going, Buster.

Arthur: The point is, we made it to the movie.

Brain: The next day.


Brain shows people at the bus stop a chart.

Brain: Impact on school performance is geometric. As you can see there’s a marked rise in the learning curve. Is it not obvious you should sign?

Man: No. But we'll sign if you promise to stop explaining why we should!

People: Yes. Uh-huh. Absolutely.


The Crosswires, including Muffy, hold a rally in front of the library.Mr. Crosswire: I'm not doing this for Ed Crosswire of Crosswire Motors, corner of Park and Lakewood - open most nights till ten - I'm doing it to save our kids.        

Arthur approaches with the signatures.

Arthur: Uh, Mr Crosswire, speaking for the kids, we really want our books back, and we got these signatures of support.

Mr. Crosswire: That's nice, sonny. But believe me, we’re doing this for your own good.

Miss McWord: Excuse me, but have you read any of the books? Well, have you?

Mr. Crosswire: I'm proud to say I wouldn't read those books if you paid me.      Miss McWords steps out of the crowd.     It’s Miss McWord - my grade school English teacher!

Miss McWord: You never did read, Ed. That’s why the writer works hard to write stories kids like to read - so maybe they'll read other books too.

Mr. Crosswire: Er, what makes you such an expert?

Miss McWord: I wrote them!

Arthur: You wrote the Scare Your Pants Off Club books?

Miss McWord: Yes, "EA dePoe" is my pen-name.   

Muffy drops a pile of Scare Your Pants Off books out of her backpack.

Muffy: Hh! Miss dePoe! I'm your number one fan! I have all of your books. Does anyone have a pen?       Oops!

Mr. Crosswire: You've read them all?          Mrs. Crosswire grabs Muffy’s ear.

Mrs. Crosswire: Well, Mary Alice Crosswire. If it wasn't that woman’s books that gave you a nightmare, what was it?

Mr. Crosswire: Just a minute here. I think I'm beginning to understand who ate my quart of Hasenpfeffer ice cream.

Mrs. Crosswire: You know it gives you nightmares, Muffy. How could you!

Miss McWord: Ed. What do you say, we actually read one of my books and see what you think.

Mr. Crosswire: Oh. Yes. Why not?