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Forum:Names of Adults (Including Parents and Teachers)

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Names of Adults (Including Parents and Teachers)

Hey guys. For the adults in the cartoon show, including the parents and the teachers, most of them rarely go by their first names at all. Speaking of Arthur's parents for instance whose names are David (father) and Jane (mother), they formally go by Mr. and Mrs. Read, but when books and episodes are focused on Arthur and/or his sister D.W., they go by "Dad" and "Mom". And for the school staff, including the principal and headmaster Mr. Haney and teacher Mr. Ratburn, of course Mr. Haney's given name is Francis (but was originally known as Herbert in earlier seasons) and on the other hand Mr. Raburn's full name is Nigel Charles Ratburn III (but his first name was originally Emil before Season 5). For substitute Miss Ratburn from the episode "Arthur's Substitite Teacher Trouble", Rodentia is her first name but she would formally be referred to as "Miss Ratburn". The only adults that would need to formally go by their first names would be the descendants who are not yet parents, but on the other hand ones whose last name's were not revealed. However, there are some supporting characters whose names are not yet revealed but are just family tree members. However, time after time, the names of those adults who actually rarely go by their first (and even middle) names may change in later seasons and/or later books as well.

FrancineFan3883 (talk) 03:30, September 23, 2017 (UTC)