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W.D. Merkle

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W.D. Merkle
Age 4[1]

Gender Female
Animal Bear

Hair color Red

Family Ursa Merkles (mother)
Herman Merkles (father)

Wilhelmina Dagmar "W.D." Merkles is a girl around D.W.'s age that appears in "Best Enemies." Their parents thought they would get along perfectly, but they turn out to like completely different things.

She has an imaginary friend named Maxine who is an anthropomorphic elephant. Just like Nadine, Maxine gives W.D. advice. W.D. actually follows her advice, unlike D.W. with Nadine.

802-23.PNG I will take care of this!

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Physical appearance

W.D. is a bear with a tan complexion and short red hair. She wears an orange and tan shirt, blue jeans, a white and blue baseball cap, and white and red colored sneakers, but for some reason doesn't wear socks. W.D. also wears light blue pajamas.


  • Due to her tomboyish personality, and being voiced by a boy, W.D. is easily mistaken as one.
  • D.W. stated she and W.D. had nothing in common, but they in fact do: They both hate being called by their full names.


Alternate apparel



  1. "Just because we're both the same age..." D.W. Read to W.D. Merkles, Best Enemies.