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User blog:Kidsnewsnairobi7yearold/Arthur turns 9

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Arthur was happy about his birthday being nearby.  He had 1 week until it would finally happen. D.W, 5 in a half know was not happy about her brother getting older before her.

D.W: But it can't be, it just can't! Arthur can't be turning older before me!

Arthur: Yes, yes I can.

D.W: MOM!!

Jane: Honey, you weren't born first so no matter what Arthur will always be older than you, no matter what attempt yoy try to do.

D.W: But it can't be happening!

Arthur: (Eating Waffles) Yes it can.

D.W kicked Arthur's waffles off the table and ran outside.

Jane was very mad at D.W, as she had spent 3 hours cleaning Arthurs "Special" birthday  dish.

Arthur: What just happened?

Jane: D.W is in trouble is exactly what happened Arthur.

Arthur: Oh, I thought so.

Jane: D.W!

There was no answer. D.W was hiding behind  a tree hoping Jane woulkdn't find her.

Jane: Dora Winfered Read, come in here right now!

Whenever Jane was yelling, D.W knew it meant someone was in trouble. It was usaully her.

Then D.W's imginary friend appeared.

Imaginary Friend: D.W, why is your mommy yelling at you?

D.W: I knocked Arthur's plate down, dumb old Arthur.

Imaginary Friend: Who is Arthur?

D.W: My rotten headed brother who's turning 9 before I can turn 6.

Imaginary Friend: Oh, even I would be mad at you D.W.

D.W: What?

Imaginary Friend: Sorry D.W, I'm gonna be late for the twins, there at the park right now and if I'm late they'll drop my services!'

D.W: But!

Imaginary Friend: Bye, see ya tonight!

D.W was now all alone, and her only other option to get her iminary friend was to go to the park. 

Jane: That's it D.W, when I get out here your in big trouble!

It was too late, Jane had caught D.W trying to run to the park.

Jane: Dora Winfered Read, sit here and explain to me why you made me spend 10 minutes looking for you!

D.W gulped. Usaully her imiganry friend would be there to help her figure out some cute looking words so she wouldn't get grounded, but this time she was all alone.

Arthur: D.W, why?

D.W was getting nervouse by the seconds.  She needed her friend to help her.

Jane: D.W, we can sit here all day.

D.W had no choice. She got up and started running down the sidewalk.

D.W: They'll never get me!

Jane: D.W, I do not even have the words for how much trouble yoou'll be in!

D.W ran to the Park's Gate entrance and hid under a table.

D.W: I thought I'd never loose them.

Then the twins came seeing D.W.

Twin 1: D.W, what happened?

D.W: My stupid big brother Arthur and my mean mom is what happened.

Twin 2: Wow, must've been pretty brave to meet us here having 2 grown-ups on your hands.

D.W: (Yelling) That Arthur isn't grown up, he's just a , a, a stupid brother!

D.W yelled so loud even Arthur could hear, and the birds flew away. Jane and Arthur had found D.W.

Jane: D.W, no dessert for a week, no going back to the park for a week, and your not going anywhere besides school!

D.W had a sad look on her face.

Twin 1: Well, I guess next time don't yell so loud.

Twin 2: And we won't be seeing you for a while exept for in kindergarten that is.

Arthur: D.W, did you really have to decide to throw a tantrum before my birthday?

D.W didn't answer.  She was already too mad from what she had just experienced.

Jane; D.W, answer him!

D.W: No.

Arthur: Then why did you?

D.W had blown her top on this one.

D.W: Do you actually expect a 6 year old to answer you? Gosh Arthur I don't even have the words for how crazy this day is, and how stupid you are!

Jane: That is it D.W, no more CD records for you!

D.W: But Mom, that means I'm not inclued in family night.

Jane: That';s my point.

When D.W got home, she ran up to her room.

Jane: Young lady, we do not run up the stairs!

D.W didn't care, she just didn't like rules. Rules weren't her life, they weren';t at all.

D.W: Stupid Arthur's birthdasy, how come no one ever talks about me? It's almost ;ike they just don't care about me, I can't wait until I'm gonna turn 9.

Then D.W heard Kate crying.

D.W: Be quiet, Kate!

Kate was now 1 in a half years old.  She was recklessy cute, and that's just how she got her way around the house.

Kate: Bwain!

D.W: Ha, Ha Kate.  Very funny!

Kate: No, Bwain!

D.W: Kate it's brain!

Kate: No, Bwain!

D.W: Brain.

Kate: Bwain!

D.W: Kate Read, it is brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate started to cry again.  Jane came in.

Jane: D.W, I have already guessed you did this.

D.W: But she said a brain was a bwain.

Arthur came in.

Arthur: Is it me, or did D.W just say something babyish?

D.W: I didn't say it, Kate did!

Jane: D.W you just said it.

Kate: Bwullet Twwo Bwain!

D.W: See?

Arthur: I have to get the camera!

D.W: But this isn't the first word Kate said, and besides you already have that on tape.

Arthur: No, this is the first time you told the truth!

D.W wasn't happy about this. She had told the truth many other times, maybe Arthur just didn't hear.

Arthur ran into her Mom and Dad's room and got the camera.

Arthur: Ok Mom, Kate and D.W, say cheese!

At the same time: Cheese! (Kate said pwease).

Arthur: Aw, cool. I'm glad I got that on camera.

On Monday, D.W and Arthur went back to school. D.W was now in the firts grade, as Arthur was entering the fourth. D.W had a new teacher named Mr. Fangs.

Mr. Fangs: I'm Mr. Fangs, nice to meet you.

Class: Hello Mr. Bangs.

Mr. Fangs: It's Fangs, thank you very much.

Twin 1: Do we do art in this class?

Mr. Fangs: Why yes, and tomorrow we start our first art lesson.

Twin 2: Do we have science?

Mr. Fangs: Why yes, and we start that today.

Twin 2: Yes, in your face!

D.W: During science will we be eating sandwiches? I heard they have a real witch.

The class laughed.

Mr. Fangs: D.W, rule number 1 no telling jokes like that in class.

D.W wasn't joking.  That was what the man on TV said.

Twin 1: Oh, Oh! What if D.W'S imiganry friend came and was all like "Yo D.W, or shall I say Dora Winfered!"

D.W started to cry on her desk.

D.W: But she's real I tell you, real!

Twin 2: D.W, everyone knows you made her up because we were all so busy playing with eachother!

D.W cried very hard.  It was so hard her eyes were really red!

Mr. Fangs: D.W, you are exscused from class and may get some treatment from the office for your eyes and if tehy're out, you can go home.  Meanwhile The Twins will not be participating in Science and Art, and will ratherly be writing you as sorry letter.

D.W got up with her head down. She wiped her eyes.

D.W: This can't be true.

Imaginary Friend: What's wrong, D.W?

D.w rna up away from her friend.

D.W: I'm mad at you that's what.

Imaginary Friend: Why?

D.W just ran up anyway and went to the office.

Principal: You are exscused from school and may go home.

D.W started walking until she saw Arthur.

Arthur: Sorry that happened to you, D.W.

Suddenly, the world was full of black.

D.W: Where, where am I?

She could hear her voice.  Then  something ran, it was her imiganary friend.

D.W: Natiline?

Natiline: Yes, I am all packed up and the twins have more hours of service than you now D.W.

D.W: But, why Natiline? I created you.

Nataline: D.W, the twins need me more than you do.

D.W: But Nataline, I'm nothing without your advice.

Nataline: D.W, you are growing up.  You need to accept that. I will not always be there for you, and someday when your about 12 I'll really leave you.

D.W: Yeah, I never thought to accept I was growing up. Yes, I am growing up! I'm 5 in a half for peepsake!

Nataline: Keep your pillow warm D.W.

D.W: Huh?

Nataline: Just wait for me D.W, wait.

After a week had passed, D.W had learnt to gow out of Nataline. She was a good friend, but D.W didn't need her anymore.  Arthur was 9 years old and celabrating his birthday!

Arthur: Yay! Yes! Yippee! I';m 9!

D.W: Can you not do it so loud?

Arthur jumped down the stairs in a jig with a fig.

Arthur: Woo_HOO!!!! wowwee!!!

Arthur blew out the candles and ate the cake.

D.W: None for me?

Arthur: Yeah, none for D.W.

Then Buster came.

Buster: Arthur is so crazy, I'll be crazy ith em! Woo-Hoo!!!!! Rock on!

Then Binky came.  He jumped on Arthur.

Binky: And O\I'm extra crazy!

Then Binky started to slob. He was veyr obeist.

D.W: Why not? A  6 year old girl needs to let out her inner self.

D.W started jumping on the couch!'

D.W: Rock on!

Arthur got on the couch and wiggled himself.

Arthur: Yo, Yo!!

Jane came in.

Jane: Oh no, too much cake for everyone!

And they all did Arthur's jig on the couch.