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Tibbles to the Rescue/Transcript

From Arthur Wiki
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Searchlights light the sky over Dark City. A banana-shaped villain runs through the zoo.

Dark Bunny: Give up, Bananomanonman Man. I've rounded up the rest of your bunch and you have nowhere else to run.

Bananomanonman: Oh, but, Dark Bunny, I actually find my position quite a-peel-ing.  

He peels a banana, eats it and throws the peel at Dark Bunny, who dodges. He throws more peels on the ground, causing Dark Bunny to slip and fall on his back.

Bananomanonman: Hm-hm-hahaha! Time for this banana to split.      

A gorilla grabs him from behind through the cage bars.    

Bananomanonman: Ah! No! Help!

Dark Bunny: Don't worry. Luckily I'm fluent in gorilla sign language.  (makes gorilla sounds)    

He beats his chest, scratches himself and dances around until the gorilla drops Bananomanonman.

Bananomanonman: You... You saved my skin. I must return the favor. From now on, I will patrol the night by your side.    Ah!    

Dark Bunny zaps him with a ray gun, causing him to shrink to the size of a normal banana. Dark Bunny puts him into his tool belt and flies off.

Bananomanonman: I didn't mean that quite so literally.

The dream apparently ends. The Tibbles wake up.

Timmy+Tommy: Hh!

Timmy: Tommy, did you just dream what I dreamed?

Tommy: Yeah. What kind of dopey super-villain lets himself get saved and then has to help his sworn enemy?

The Tibbles realize that they are stuck in D.W.’s tool belt. She is playing with a troll doll in her room.

D.W.: (hums)

Timmy+Tommy: Nooo!!!

The dream really ends. The Tibbles sit up in their beds.

Timmy+Tommy: Hh!             

They look at each other.


Title Card: The Tibbles high-five


D.W. and Emily run out of the Read house to a handcart full of toy animals.

D.W.: Let's play tour bus. I'll drive and you can be the tour guide.

Emily: Okay.     

She sits down on the cart and D.W. pulls it through the yard.    

Emily: If everyone will look to their left, you'll see a rhododendron bush.

The Tibbles sit in a tree. Timmy watches the girls through a telescope while Tommy holds a bucket full of water balloons.

Tommy: Enemy sighted for sneak attack, Commander?

Timmy: Check. Water balloons ready, Admiral?

Tommy: Check. I'll throw the first one. Heeheehee…

Timmy: No, you won't! I will.

Tommy: Me!

Timmy: Me!

Tommy: Me!

Timmy: Me!

Tommy: Me!

Timmy: Me!

Timmy+Tommy: Ow! Oof.           

They fall out of the tree onto the stuffed animals. They exchange looks.

Tommy: You saved us.

D.W.: You're welcome.       

The Tibbles throw water balloons at her.          

D.W.: Hh!

The Tibbles run around a corner of the house.

Timmy+Tommy: (pant)

Tommy: Timmy, how come I'm not laughing?

Timmy: I don't know, Tommy. It's strange. It's almost like... bothering D.W. isn't fun anymore.


Later, Mrs. Tibble brings cookies up to the twins’ room and finds them in their beds.

Timmy+Tommy: (moan)

Mrs. Tibble: I thought you boys might like some nice, fresh gingersnaps. Oh, what are you both doing in bed in the middle of the afternoon?

Timmy: We don't feel well.

Tommy: Yeah, something's wrong with us.

Mrs. Tibble: Do you have the chills?

Timmy: No.

Mrs. Tibble: Tummy ache?

Tommy: No.       

Mrs. Tibble feels Tommy’s forehead.

Mrs. Tibble: You don't have a fever. What are your symptoms?

Timmy: Tell her, Tommy.

Tommy: We were throwing water balloons at...

Timmy: A tree!...

Tommy: Yeah, yeah. A tree. Anyway, we didn't enjoy it at all.

Mrs. Tibble: Hmm... That does sound like a serious condition.

Timmy: What do we do, Grandma?

Mrs. Tibble: Sorry, boys. I don't know a thing about water balloons, but if you don't want these cookies, I'll give them to Mr. Read. He baked that nice cake for my birthday and when someone does me a favor, I don't feel good until I pay them back.        

She leaves.

Timmy: Tommy, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Tommy: Always, Timmy. Wait, what are you thinking?

Timmy: We're not sick. We just don't feel good because D.W. rescued us and we haven't paid her back. So all we have to do is...

Tommy: Follow D.W. around until she's in danger and then we rescue her.


A while Later, D.W. and Emily play Tower of Cows in the Reads’ living room. Timmy looks through the window while standing on Tommy’s back.

Tommy: Is she in danger?

Timmy: Not yet.


Later, the Tibbles look through the window of the Powers’ ice-cream shop where D.W., Emily and Marie-Hélène are having ice-cream. The Tibbles shrug.


Later, Vicita sits at a stand in front of the Molinas’ house and sells a green fluid. She pours Cheikh some. Lisa, Emily and D.W. get in line. The Tibbles watch from behind a tree, using branches a camouflage.

Tommy: So bored, Timmy.

Timmy: How can you rescue someone who never does anything dangerous?

Tommy: Can't keep eyes open, Timmy.

Timmy: We've been following her for three days. She hasn't jumped off a couch or juggled a brick, or even tried to tackle a cat. What kind of life is that?

Tommy is leaning against the tree.

Tommy: (snores)          

Vicita pours D.W. a glass.

Vicita: Here you go, D.W. And I'd be careful, this drink may come with a side of Tibbles.

Timmy: Tommy, wake up. It's happening.

Tommy: (snorts) I didn't do it, Grandma! I swear! Huh?

Timmy: That lemonade Vicita is giving D.W. is the wrong color. It could be poison. This is my chance.

Tommy: It's my chance. I saw it first.      

They run up to D.W. and start wrestling.

Timmy: No, you didn't. Your eyes were closed.      

They bump against D.W. causing her to spill the drink all over herself.

D.W.: Hh!

Timmy: That lemonade Vicita made you is green.

Tommy: Yeah, I'm sure it's bad for you so we just saved your life.

Timmy: You're welcome.

D.W.: That isn't lemonade!

Timmy+Tommy: It isn't?

Vicita: It's an avocado and banana smoothie. It's supposed to be this color.

Tommy: Is it good?

Timmy: Can we have some?

D.W.: Why are you two following me all the time?

Tommy: Because we have to rescue you. You saved us when we fell from the tree so we have to pay you back, even if it takes aaall year.

D.W.: I'm doomed.         

She leaves with Emily.

Tommy: What do we do now, Timmy?

Timmy: Try harder.


Several preschoolers play on the park playground. D.W. and Emily toss a frisbee to each other.

Timmy: Fighter Jet Two, intercept that missile!

Timmy+Tommy: Incoming! Yah! Ugh.       

They try to catch the frisbee and both fall on top of D.W.

D.W.: Why did you do that?

Timmy: It could have hit you.


Later, D.W. and Emily play in the preschool sandbox while Liam hands out candy to Lisa and Amanda.

Liam: Hey, D.W. and Emily, want some home-made taffy?    

He throws them some sweets. The Tibbles are lying hidden under the sand, breathing through straws.

Timmy+Tommy: Incoming!       

They swat the flying sweets away and fall on the girls’ sandcastle in the process. They look at D.W., who does not look pleased.

Timmy: It could have hit you.


Later, D.W. and Emily walk on the soccer field, where Arthur, Francine, Brain and Buster are kicking a ball around.

D.W.: Arthur, Mom says it's time to come home for dinner.      

The Tibbles are hiding under the bleachers. They see Buster kick the ball.

Timmy+Tommy: Incoming!     

They run at D.W., but she holds up her hand.

D.W.: Don't even say it.       

The ball knocks her over.    

D.W.: Oof!

Buster: Sorry, bad pass!

Emily: D.W., are you okay?

Timmy: Wow, that was the best thing you've done all week.

Tommy: Why didn't you let us stop it? Then we could have really saved you.      

D.W. angrily points her finger at them.

D.W.: You... I... Argh!           

She walks away and kicks the ball.

Timmy: Why is D.W. so angry?

Tommy: Maybe that ball knocked her silly.

Emily: If I tell you, will you promise not to tackle me, pull my doll's hair or fill my backpack with mud?

Timmy: (whispers:)  Should we do it?

Tommy: (whispers:)  I think we should do it.

Timmy: Okay. We promise.

Tommy: For now.

Emily: Being rescued by you is worse than being teased by you. It's worse than being bothered by you. It's...

Timmy: Emily, what are you trying to say?

Emily: If you really want to help D.W., just leave her alone.       

They leave.

Timmy+Tommy: (sigh)


Later in the afternoon, the Tibbles lie in bed.

Timmy: I feel bad, Tommy.

Tommy: I feel worse.        

Mrs. Tibble looks in.

Mrs. Tibble Are you boys in bed early again? More water balloon trouble? Well, one thing I've learned in my baking, you can't just wait around for things to go your way. Sometimes you've got to make something happen. Why, I'll never forget my first attempt at croquembouche. The profiteroles just wouldn't stay stacked but I kept at it.     

She leaves.

Timmy: That's it. We've got to make it happen.     

They high-five.


The Tibbles draw a sketch of a bucket falling on a person. Timmy gets a rake and a coat, while Timmy prepares an office folder. Tommy also gets a broom and oven mitts and paints a face on a bucket. In the end, they high-five again.


D.W. and Emily have a tea party in the par with some stuffed animals.

Emily: I guess what I said to the Tibbles worked. We haven't seen them all day.

D.W.: Well, if they do show up, I brought protection - Sharky.      

D.W.’s large, inflatable shark sits on a park bench with Mary Moo Cow and a monkey. The Tibbles lasso Mary Moo Cow and pull her into the bushes.

D.W.: Hey, where's Mary Moo Cow?

The Tibbles come out of the bushes wearing a costume they made out of the things in their room. Timmy is sitting on Tommy’s shoulder.

Timmy+Tommy: Hi, D.W. It's your mother, Mrs. Read. If you're looking for your Mary Moo Cow doll, you might want to look over there.

They point to a monkey bar on which Mary Moo Cow is lying.

Emily: Look, there's Mary. And that's the big kids' monkey bars.

D.W.: That seems very Tibble-ish to me.

Timmy+Tommy: We're not Tibbles. We're your mommy. Those monkey bars are very dangerous and there might be traps on the way, so you'd better be very careful.

There are several bear traps made out of folders and a rake lying around the monkey bar.

D.W.: Oh, no. What ever will I do.

Timmy: She fell for it. Get ready to rescue her.

Tommy: (grunts)

D.W. walks past the traps and uses the rake to knock Mary Moo Cow down. She catches the doll.

D.W.: There you are, Mary. Right back where you belong.

The Tibbles run towards her. Timmy is still sitting on Tommy’s shoulder.

Timmy: No, no! You can't save her like that. You're supposed to get caught in a trap.    

Tommy steps in a trap.

Tommy: Ow!          

He steps on a rake which hits Timmy.

Timmy: Or step on a rake. Ugh.         

They both fall down.    

Timmy: Or try to get to the top of the jungle gym.  

Tommy: Like...this, and get...

Timmy:...stuck...there.         Both climb up to the monkey bar and hold on.

Tommy: So we...can...can... Timmy! I can't hang on.

Timmy: Neither can I, Tommy.

Timmy+Tommy: Augh!            

They fall down and land on Sharky.           

Timmy+Tommy: Oof!

D.W.: I did it again. Now I'll never get rid of you two.

Tommy: Hey, D.W., your shoe is undone.

Timmy: Yeah, the Velcro strap isn't fastened right and you could trip and hurt yourself. Let me help.

Tommy: I'll help better.        

The Tibbles smile happily after tying the Velcro strip into a knot.

Timmy+Tommy: We did it.

D.W.: My heroes.  (sighs)


Later, The Tibbles ring the Reads’ doorbell holding a croquembouche. D.W. opens.

Timmy: Hi, D.W. Even though we're even-steven now, we know that the last week has been kind of difficult.

Tommy: So we wanted to give you something nice. Grandma made it. It's a croquembouche. Plus we're going to give you a week off from saving... and bothering you.

D.W.: Wow, thank you! But what if I don't give you a week off?     

She throws parts of the croquembouche at them.

Timmy+Tommy: Food fight!  (laugh)    

The Tibbles and D.W. start chasing each other.