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Revision as of 04:08, 21 January 2012

Adam Walters.jpg
Arthur the Unfunny.png This user is a fan of Fern.
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I am Orion001, I have been watching Arthur for a few months and so far I have become a big fan. I am writing a blog about the Arthur world. A world is a plane of existence that is created by something. For example, I created my own world based on the elements. My favorite characters are Fern Walters an


d Sue Ellen Armstrong. I would love to have Fern as a sister she reminds me of me when I was in High School. Sue Ellen is an adventurer and explorer as well as myself. I like mythical creatures, animals and prehistoric creatures. I play the card game Magic the Gathering. I like playing Pokemon White version on my DS. Finaly, I will uses other characters from Life and Times of Juniper Lee, because I like strong women and Juniper Lee is extremely strong, more importantly I do not have it were I live. I will post more in the future. I planes for the future is to be a elementry school teacher. I enjoy going to the Canadian National Exbition or CNE, Royal Agicultral Winter Fair or the Royal, Toronto Zoo and Rogers Center to see the Toronto Blue Jays and Argonauts. I like the Toronto Marlies, Argos, Blue Jays, and Montreal Canadians.

thumb|left|300px|bust silent night ever

Pokemon Team

Team 1

Normal Furret
Fire/Fighting Monferno
Water/Ghost Frillish
Grass/Poison Ivysaur
Ground Sandslash
Psychic Mew

Team 2

Zoura Dark
Unfezant Flying/Normal
Vulpix Fire
Dewgong Water/Ice
Gengar Ghost/Poison
Flygon Ground/Dragon

Different Adams

Adam is my real name but my character Adam Walters is not the same Adam as me. That is because he lives in the Arthur Universe. But in that Universe there also an Adam as well. He is the same as me but he is a Rabbit and has a different personality. Than you have the Main Universe it is home to me. Adam Walters came from a Pokemon Universe. Finally the Arthur Universe is home to anthropomorphic animals and Humans. Where the other universe is home only to humans. Basically all I am saying is that each universe is different. The other Adams are in different dimensions or alternate time lines.

Elwood City Pokemon

Pokemon Location
Rattata City, Forest
Pikachu Forest
Vulpix Forest, Mountain
Zubat Cave, City, Forest
Poliwag Pond
Geodude Mountain
Farfetch'd Pond
Grimer City
Gastly City
Magikarp Pond, Lake, River, Swamp
Hoothoot Forest, City
Spinarak Forest, City
Yanma Pond, Lake, River, Swamp
Murkrow Forest, City
Skarmory Mountain
Wurmple Forest
Silcoon Forest
Beautifly Forest
Cascoon Forest
Dustox Forest
Seedot Forest
Tailow Farm, City, Forest
Wingull City, Lake
Surskit Pond
Swablu Forest
Altaria Forest
Snorunt City, Mountain
Burmy City, Mountain, Forest
Wormadam City, Mountain, Forest
Mothim City, Mountain, Forest
Combee Forest, Cave
Pachirisu Forest, City
Bueary Forest
Stunky City, Forest
Croagunk Swamp
Pidove City, Forest
Sewaddle Forest
Swadloon Forest
Leavanny Forest
Zorua Forest
Zoroark Forest
Deerling Forest, Mountain

Pokemon and Their Friends


Piplup Arthur Read
Chimchar Buster Baxter
Turtwig Muffy Crosswire
Misdreavus Francine Frensky
Magnetmite Alan Powers
Raichu Fern Walter
Yamask Sue Ellen Armstrong
Beautyfly Binky Barns
Seedot George Lundgren
Lillipup Marina Dattilo
Drilbur Jenna Morgan
Treecko Alberto Molina
Glameow Bubbie
Rhyhorn Shake
Torchic Granpa Dave

Berries in Elwood City

  1. Aspear Berry
  2. Cheri Berry
  3. Chesto Berry
  4. Cornn Berry
  5. Ganlon Berry
  6. Leppa Berry
  7. Lum Berry
  8. Oran Berry
  9. Pecha Berry
  10. Persim Berry
  11. Rawst Berry
  12. Sitrus Berry

My Favourites


More about me

My feelings

My favorite pages