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User blog:Luke707/Hospitalized

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Chapter 1[edit]

It was a normal day in Elwood City, Arthur was doing his normal morning routine, at home getting ready for school at Lakewood Elementary.

He got to his bus stop, almost late. Arthur was slower then usual at getting ready because he had to help his father load his van for the party that Mr. Ratburn's class was holding, a Halloween party.

Muffy was dropped off in her limosuine by her butler, Bailey, excited for the party and dressed in Halloween themed clothing. Lakewood Elementary had the ambience of most schools; it was loud because parents were trying to drop their kids off. It was even more loud today.

Mr. Ratburn's class started because Mr. Ratburn showed up late. He explained to them that his sister, Rodentia, had another baby and he was at Elwood City Hospital from 6am to 7:30am.

Arthur fell asleep 16 minutes into to Mr. Ratburn, usually something that only Buster and Binky do. But it wasn't because he was unattentive, it was because he was tired because of the absence of rest he had last night because of a thunderstorm.

Time was passing very slowly that day. It felt like it was never going to end to all of the class, except Mr. Ratburn, who thought division was one of the funnest things to be doing for two hours of the day. All of the class tried to stay alert because of the party that they were having. None of them wanted to miss it, there was a rumor that Muffy was giving out fun-sized Snicker bars and t-shirts.

Arthur got woken up by Mr. Ratburn, who called him up to the board to do a math problem. The problem was 10 x 6/2. "Well... I don't know", Arthur slowly remarked. He wished that that he stayed awake because now he would miss the party and be sent to Mr. Haney's office for detention after school. But another side of him was thankful that he made up for the rest that he missed last night.

The bell rang, and Mr. Ratburn told them to make a single file line in alphabetical order; what some people would call strict, but Mr. Ratburn attempted to call it "being organized."

Mr. Ratburn's Class arrived at the cafeteria. The class got in line for their lunches. They were having Meatloaf Sandwiches and Spinach. Luckily, there was a good dessert, brownies! Buster took Arthur's brownie so he had two. Almost everybody left their food on their plates except Buster, who thought that any food was great as long as it was food.

In the meanwhile in Mr. Haney's office, Ms. Tingley rushed into the office, seeming worried. She explained to him what had happened.

Chapter 2[edit]

Ms. Tingley, Mr. Haney's secretary, (you could barely understand what she was saying because she was almost crying) that the school had received a bomb threat over the phone. The call broke up during the phone call so not much information was recieved on the school's end. Minutes after that the power went off. But, none of the students noticed that there was no electricity. Mr. Haney tried to call the police, but the cell phone service was out too. They got Mr. Morris, who worked for a bomb squad for 20 years. He searched likely places, but it was too much work for one person to handle. It was impossible to check the whole school so quickly.

Mr. Morris by that time had pulled the fire alarm. He was scared to death. He didn't want anybody to die today. The gang’s talking went quiet. A little chuckling was heard but nobody ever figured out who would laugh at such a serious matter.

Chapter 3[edit]

All of the students were curious about what was happening. Was there a fire? They headed towards the nearest exit. Mr. Ratburn told all the 3rd graders not to panic, but of course in real life that is quite the opposite. On the way almost out of the cafeteria area, Muffy thought that nothing bad could ever happen to her, but she fell to the floor when she passed out. Francine tried to get Muffy back on her feet, but she couldn't manage to lift her up. Francine sighed. She tried again, but this time Mr. Ratburn told her to move along quickly.

There was a loud bang. Then for a split second, everything went quiet. After, all that was heard was very loud screaming, almost as if somebody was dying.... Whoever didn't lose their vision after the loud bang saw dark black smoke. Everybody was injured and rushed to Elwood City Hospital, the closest major well-equipped hospital in the small city. Rodentia Ratburn was still there with her newborn baby, watching Law & Order:SVU.

Arthur woke up a couple of hours later in the hospital. A couple of hours seemed like days for him. It seemed to him the time that he normally eats dinner. Arthur didn't know what had happened to him. He had amnesia and he forgot most of the things that had happened in the 8 years of his life.

Chapter 4[edit]

He couldn't move any of his body parts except his eyes. He simply assumed that he was in a body cast. He also had lost his left leg, and it was planning to be amputated the next day. He then managed to move his eyes up slightly, and he saw the TV above his feet. The Channel 2 news was on it. It was about an explosion at Lakewood Elementary. There was a woman on the news being interviewed, with the name Millicent Crosswire. She was crying because her daughter died from the bomb. She seemed to be a wealthy woman, with her leopard fur jacket on. The person's name and face sounded familiar, but Arthur could not manage to remember who it was. Her face also seemed familiar to him.

Suddenly, it all came back to him. The lady on TV was Muffy’s mother. He didn't even remember his name but he assumed everything that had happened to him this day.

Chapter 5[edit]

Arthur’s family, along with Grandma Thora, walked into the hospital room where Arthur was staying. Arthur was in a coma for a couple of hours. They attemped to talk to Arthur. He was awake, trying not to cry because he would become sticky from his tears. Arthur’s mother noticed the heart monitor. It was going fine, but all of a sudden it was just a straight line. Jane was a part-time nurse before she had Arthur, so she immediately knew that this meant that the patient, Arthur, was dead.

She yelled for the nurse. She was very careless about the other patients at the hospital who had also been dying.

Arthur didn't know what was happening to him. He saw his Mom, Dad, and Grandma Thora crying. D.W. and Kate were left at the house, being babysat by Sally McGill. He didn't know why they were crying; he was still alive as it seemed for him. The nurse came into the room as soon as possible and saw that he was dead. Arthur still tried to convince himself that he was alive.

He eventually gave up. Arthur had died, he finally got it through his head that he was dead and this was just his afterlife. The Brain had told him about a book he read about Life After Dying. Arthur was intrigued by it, but he didn't quite believe or understand all of it.

Chapter 6[edit]

The school bombing was the breaking news for CNN. Every news station was trying to cover the story so they would get the most highest views and ratings. Arthur didn't get it, shouldn't they care about the injured victims and not unimportant views?

The police found out that the bomb was attached to one the school’s cafeteria tables, the table where the Tough Customers usually sit. But today, they didn’t sit at that table. The Tough Customers were of course the initial suspects of the bombing, but nobody ever figured that 4th grade 9 year olds could pull this off themselves. They gave up on accusing the bully gang and now they were clueless on who would do it. Rattles couldn’t take what he did. He confessed to the police when he turned himself in. Rattles actually didn't make the bomb himself, he himself was too dumb for that. The Brain was blackmailed by Rattles to do it. Rattles had spent all his birthday money on it. Rattles also had somebody from a local gang to call the bomb threat in. d Mr. Haney saw Rattles going into the school a half an hour earl. Mr. Haney did not knowing that the device that would kill them all was in his backpack.

Some say that Arthur and his friends still roam the area where Lakewood Elementary was, which is now a shopping complex. Sometimes people also hear noises coming from the Sugar Bowl.