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User blog:WillTheArthurandBusterFan5050/Who Wants to See More of Alex? Any Alex Fans Out There?

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Perfect Photo of Alex for my Blog! Pretend he's saying "Excuse me, can I please have more roles in the show?"

Alex, one of my favorite characters on the show, ARTHUR.  The only other male rabbit in Mr. Ratburn's class besides the famous Buster Baxter. 

This blog is devoted to Alex, a background character with limited talking and is for my fellow Alex fans.  I love and like Alex, mostly because he's a rabbit,one of my most, most, favorite animals in the world (as are cats and turtles).  Rabbits fill my heart with joy!  Anyway, unlike Buster, besides being darker-skinned, seeming furrier and looking more like a rabbit, and having more hair, Alex seems to be more mature, smarter, and neater.  Well, this is all I know about Alex and this is how I see him.  And I like that he has a name despite being a background character, he's more fortunate than other characters in the show because of that, at least to me.

The thing is, though Alex is seen in several episodes, he's often on the back burner if you know what I mean.  Like I said and as said on this Wikia, he has limited speaking roles (something like that,) but there are no episodes about him, at least none that I'm aware of.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like there to be some episodes about Alex.  And not just hearing him speak a lot more, but seeing more of what Alex is like.  And I would like to see more of how he compares to Buster Baxter than what I see and know.  What does Alex do?  What is Alex like?  What does Alex like and dislike, love and hate?  What are his hobbies, interests?  Maybe, who are his parents and where does he live in Elwood City?  Whether he's an only child or has brothers and sisters, that I don't care very much about although I wouldn't mind knowing that about him.  And is he really more mature than Buster?  Or is he less mature and perhaps a bit more michevious than Buster? (I hope it's the former!)

And that's not all, I'd like to see him hang out with Arthur, Buster, and Arthur's other friends (even though I/we do see him with George on occasion.  In fact, in one episode, I'd like to see Alex paired with Arthur.  In another episode, I'd like to see him paired with Buster, a fellow rabbit of him.  In both of those episodes, I would like to see how Alex interacts with Arthur and with Buster (of course, I'm not suggesting Alex replace Buster as Arthur's best friend!)  Maybe Alex can work on school projects with Arthur and/or Buster, or just see Alex hang out with Arthur and/or Buster.

There are basically at least three kinds of episodes I'd like to see Alex in:

  • An episode that's all, or at least mostly, about him.
  • An episode of him being friends with Arthur, working with him, or hanging out with him as I said.
  • An episode of him being friends with Buster, and same things I said about Arthur.

Would also be nice if Alex hung out with both Arthur and Buster at the same time.  Or even being in a group of some sort with Arthur and his friends, kind of sort of like in that episodes "Buster Spaces Out," where Buster gets a team together and along with the well known characters Arthur, Francine, Muffy, and George, Carl, a new and rare but minor character, is in among them, and finally meets Buster and the others.  It would probably be too much to ask or expect if Alex and Carl were to be friends.  That would be great but I think the moon is going to turn green, planet mars will turn blue, and rabbits that are not Buster or other Arthur characters will become carnivorous and start taking over the human race (more so than they already do if they do) before that happens.

The bottom line is, Alex should have more face-time than he does and should be promoted from background character to at least minor character, like Laddona, James, Sue Ellen, Fern, Janna, George, Carl, Molly, the Tibbles, Emily, Cheick, etc.  And this is not just for me, this is for other people who happen to like Alex, or whose favorite character is Alex.

If Alex is to be nothing more than a mere background character, that's cool, at least he's had some speaking roles and he is seen in several episodes like I said.  Still, it would be nice of him to be promoted from background character to something better.  And it would be nice to know what Alex is really like and how mature he is compared to Buster, and what it would be like to have him as a friend of Arthur and a friend of Buster.

I cannot think of anything else to say about Alex even though I think I'd like to say more about him.  So any of you out there who like Alex, please help me out.  Who else thinks Alex should be promoted and have some episodes that are about or mostly or even partially about him?  And this includes but is not limited to speaking roles.  I'd like your responses (please keep them positive) if you please.