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Buster Baxter

First Appeared (cartoon)

"Too Much of a Good Thing"

Tuvalunas are a type of cookies sold by the Kit Scouts once a year. Buster describes them as "not just coconut, they're coconut-laced cashew clusters, dipped in Oaxacan chocolate and drizzled with artisanal caramel. Oh, it's poetry in baking!"

Buster can't resist them and even saves up enough money to buy the family-sized box of Tuvalunas. He is known to gobble up the cookies in minutes and get sick afterwards.

In "Prunella's Tent of Portent," Jessica gives Marina a box of Tuvalunas that she wins in a race at the fair.

Muffy with a box of Tuvalunas in "Muffy's Car Campaign"

They reappear in "Muffy's Car Campaign," where Muffy sells a box of them while going door-to-door, instead of handing out a pamphlet.

Behind the scenes[edit]

Samoas® also known as Caramel deLites® are cookies sold by the Girls Scouts. These cookies are similarly coated in coconut, caramel, and chocolate and named after a Polynesian Island (in the Tuvalunas' case, Tuvalu).