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Tenzin Wangdu

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Tenzin Wangdu
Gender Male
Animal Panda

Complexion Dark brown (s2)
White (?)

Residence Tenzin's House, Dharamsala, India
Family Tenzin's mother
Tenzin's father

Cartoon debut "Sue Ellen's Little Sister"

Tenzin Wangdu is a Tibetan boy who is one of Sue Ellen's pen pals.


Tenzin lives 3000 miles away (by Arthur's estimation) in Dharamsala, India. Sue Ellen's parents help Tenzin go to school. He and Sue Ellen write letters and emails to each other and Sue Ellen thought of him as a "little brother".

Tenzin's mother made a sweater out of yak wool and he sent it to Sue Ellen as a gift.

When Tenzin came to Crown City on a business trip with his dad, Sue Ellen discovers that she and Tenzin are the same age. She arranged for him to spend the weekend with her in Elwood City with things that she thought would be most interesting to him. At the train station, he gave Sue Ellen's mother a khata as a Tibetan tradition. He was interested in the Steel Mill and a restaurant sign. Tenzin joined Sue Ellen for her karate class at the community center. They went to the World Music Festival to listen to Asian music, but Tenzin was more interested in some sports cars. He met Fern, Francine, and Muffy at dinner on Saturday night. The next day, Sue Ellen tried to have Tenzin watch Capri di Vapida's fashion show but he wanted to spend time with her, so Sue Ellen called her classmates to play baseball together.


Tenzin likes to take pictures with his smartphone. He loves baseball, fashion shows, sports cars, and zombie movies. At one point he had taken karate lessons, but he had dropped the class.

Physical appearance[edit]

Tenzin first appeared as a dark brown bear in the episode "Sue Ellen's Little Sister", but in "So Funny I Forgot to Laugh", he was white with black spots on his eyes (resembling a Panda).

Tenzin is currently slightly taller than Sue Ellen. In "Wish You Were Here", he wears a crimson hoodie, khaki jeans, a yellow undershirt, and blue-green shoes.

During karate class, he wore a karate gi with a yellow belt.


