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Gender Female

Cartoon debut "Prunella's Special Edition"
Voiced by Helena Evangeliou (1804b)[1]

Persephone (pronounced per-SEH-fə-nee) is a character in the Henry Skreever book series, and Prunella often imagines herself as Persephone. At the end of the series, it is possible that Persephone is a 'spirit from the noble order', and it is also said she she dies at the end of the book (if she was a spirit from the noble order, she would not really have died.) Marina and Prunella pronounced her name 'Per say phone' until Mr. Ratburn corrected Prunella.


  • She is possibly a parody of Hermione from Harry Potter, the series Henry Skreever is based off of, although the character neither dies at the end of the series nor is a spirit.
  • Mr. Ratburn says she is likely named after Persephone from Greek mythology.
  • Prunella at first mispronounces the name as Perse-PHONE. Before the Harry Potter movies came out, a lot of fans were saying Her-my-OWN instead of Her-MY-oh-nee[2]. *Hermione is also a name from Greek mythology.
  • In the credits of "The Tardy Tumbler," her name is misspelled as Perawphone.

