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Freddy K.

From Arthur Wiki
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Freddy K.
Gender Male
Animal Bear

Family Gerald (cousin)

Cartoon debut "The Secret Origin of Supernova"

Freddy K. is the owner of Meteor Comix, a comic book store in Elwood City.


His first appearance was in the episode "The Secret Origin of Supernova." He lets Buster and Arthur look in his big book on comic characters. He says his all-time favorite hero is Jack Kirby, who made lots of comic book characters.

In Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny he temporarily leaves and hands over the reigns to his store to his cousin Gerald. After the kids complaining about the horror comics the store specialized in, Freddy came back.

In Arthur's Toy Trouble, he teaches Arthur & Buster how defective toys can be valuable, and shows them all of his valuable defective toys. But he looks at Arthur's Mutant Muck Monster and it isn't valuable.