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Myths and Legends in Arthur

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Arthur and his friends use their immagination to explain the world around them. But they also use reference from classical myths and legends.


The Greek god of the Ocean. He is the brother to Zeus. Posidon appeared in D.W story.



Unicorns are legendary creatures. They are a white horse with a single horn on top of its head. DW


loves Unicorns and always wanted a real Unicorn (including a pony). A real unicorn appeared in D.W story.


Sirens are fish people that live on small islands. According to legend there song can send sailers to there doom. They made an appearance in D.W story where they sang the song Crazy Bus.


Babby Yadda

A legend told in Russia. It is an old lady who lives in a tree house with chicken legs. Sue Ellen told this story when she got scared in What Scared Sue Ellen.

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A river demon from Japan. They say that they catch children playing in the river. Their only weakness is to get them to bow. They made an appearance in What Scared Sue Ellen.



A spirit from Scotland and Ireland. There cries mean sertain doom. Actually the Banshee appear


es to those with Scottish or Iresh background. They only appear when someone dies. They made an appearace in What Scared Sue Ellen.


Ghosts have appeared in many legends. Most people are scared of ghosts. There are people who research ghosts. Ghosts made many appearances in the Arthur series.



Cupid is known as the demigod of love. He is the offspring of the goddess venus in roman mytholigy


. It is said that his arrow can make anyone to fall in love with the first person they see. They made an appearane in Buster's secert admire.


Dragons have been found in legends all over the world. They are very popular in moderen day


culture. In Arthur a platinum dragon appeared in Ferns story the thing (the good version). A robotic dragon appeared in DW, the Picky Eater.


The cyclops is a legendary giant from greek and roman mytholigy. They had one eye and very low


defposation. They would eat anything. It was the cyclops who helped the gods of olympus to win the war of the titans. The cyclops appeared in DW story.


Trolls live under bridges and eat anything that enters its territory. It is common enemy in fairy tales next to wolfs. Trolls only appeared in Just Deserts.



Witches are a religion or tradition but the ones used in stories are evil and case spells. They live in the deep dark woods. It made an appearance in Just Deserts.

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The giant is a realy big person. In many tales they are 10 times the size of normal or over size human. It made an appearance in Just Deserts.

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A legendary creature from Romania. Legends are said to drink the blood of human


s. The most vampire is Dracula. There weakness is sun light, a wooden stack, holly water and garlic. Legends say they can transform into a bat and only comes out at night. He made an appearance in Ferkenstein Monster.

Radioactive Lizard

A famous subject that appears in many comic books, movies and tv shows. The most famous ra

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dioactive lizard is Godzilla. She mainly ate fish, she lived under water, she is capable breathing radioactive fire. She made an appearance in Fernkenstein Monster.


A legendary creature from Greek and Roman mythology. It is half human and half horse. It is said to live in th

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e forest and hate humans. The Centaur appeared as Alan Brain Powers in the opening in Looking through the Glasses.