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Arthur Babysits (episode)/Transcript

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(DW makes various faces at Kate. Kate giggles while Arthur holds a bottle.)

  • Arthur: D.W., let Kate drink her bottle!
  • D.W.: When Mom and Dad come in from the yard, I'm gonna tell them you bossed me around.
  • Arthur: You're lucky, did I ever tell you about the babysitters I had? Like Mrs. Gutter?

(Flashbacks of Arthur's various babysitters. First, of Mrs. Gutter, who practiced golf shots in the kitchen.)

  • Arthur: She was always practicing her golf swings.
  • Mrs. Gutter: FORE! (swings the golf ball and it flies all over the house)
  • Arthur: Then there was Mrs. Schmegeggi. She made great cookies, but she was a little clumsy.

(Just as Mrs. Schmegeggi gets cookies out of the oven, the phone rings, but her antlers get stuck in the doorway)

  • Mrs. Schmegeggi: Oh, these houses! Poor design! Rotten construction!
  • Arthur: The WORST was Mrs. Featherfoffer!

(Mrs. Featherfoffer watches TV while Arthur plays with his airplane)

  • Mrs. Featherfoffer: Don't make noise! Go to bed!
  • Arthur: But it's daytime....
  • Mrs. Featherfoffer: GO! TO! BED!!
  • Arthur: Some babysitters are a real pain, and I don't know why. Because it's the easiest job on Earth!

(Kate squirts her bottle in Arthur's eye and giggles)


(Out in the front yard, David is chopping bushes. Then, Arthur pushes Kate's stroller really fast.)

  • David: Arthur, don't push the stroller too fast, okay?
  • Arthur: Okay, Dad.

(Pushes the stroller slowly this time down the street and sees DW all covered in paint)

  • Arthur: D.W.! Why are you so blue, and green and red?
  • D.W.: We did finger painting in school (shows him the painting)
  • Arthur: Your picture is so neat! How did you get paint all over you?
  • D.W.: It was those Tibble Twins! They're driving me crazy! They should be in cages!
  • Arthur: They can't be that bad.
  • D.W.: You don't know them, Arthur. They give our teacher headaches!

(They approach the Tibble residence)

  • D.W.: Don't get too close, that's where they live.

(A babysitter runs out of the house screaming while Tommy and Timmy Tibble squirt her with a water gun while laughing)

  • Timmy Tibble: HEY D.W.!
  • Tommy Tibble: HEY D.W.! I said it louder!
  • Timmy Tibble: HEYYY D.W.! I said it the loudest!
  • D.W.: Let's run, okay?
  • Arthur: They don't look so bad. What's the problem?
  • D.W.: They're the problem!
  • Mrs. Tibble: Why hello D.W.!
  • Arthur: Hi Mrs. Tibble!
  • Timmy Tibble: I can say it louder than that Grandma!
  • Mrs. Tibble: You certainly can, sweetheart! (sticks a lollipop in his mouth) Has anyone seen the babysitter?
  • Tommy Tibble: She had to go home.... suddenly! (takes the lollipop out of Timmy's mouth. They fight over the pop.)
  • Mrs. Tibble: Oh dear, now I have no babysitter for this afternoon. And I must go next door to visit Mrs. Fogel.
  • D.W.: You know, Arthur's a great babysitter! And I'm sure he'd be glad to do it!
  • Mrs. Tibble: Oh, would you? It would help me out so much just for an hour or so!
  • Arthur: Sure, I can do it! I'll take Kate home and be back this afternoon.
  • Tibble Twins: YAY!

(Meanwhile at the Sugar Bowl.....)

  • Arthur: I can't play kickball this afternoon. I have to babysit the Tibble Twins.
  • Prunella: You don't mean the terrible Tibble Twins?!
  • Buster: What do you mean?
  • Prunella: My sister babysat them once, just once, and still has nightmares about it.

(A flashback of Rubella's nightmare)

  • Rubella: Tibbles.... Tibbles... Tibbles.... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Tibble heads come out of her eyes)
  • Buster: What did they do to her?
  • Prunella: I don't know, she wouldn't talk about it.
  • Buster: Back out of it while you're still alive.
  • Francine: Oh Arthur, don't listen to them, it'll just be like taking care of D.W. and Kate.

(In a fantasy sequence, Kate cries while Arthur tries to feed her. D.W. looks on upset and hungry as well)


(Now D.W. interrupts Arthur and Kate's story time by jumping on the couch.)

  • D.W.: 40-11, 40-12, 40-13

(In the bathtub, Arthur plays with Kate, but D.W. turns on the shower on purpose, soaking him completely.)

  • Francine: Just figure that the Tibbles are a little worse than your sisters. It'll be easy, right?
  • Arthur: I've got to go.
  • Prunella: Be tough on them, or you're dead!
  • Buster: Tell them that you're in charge and what you say goes!
  • Prunella: We may never see him again.....

(Later that afternoon, Arthur arrives at the Tibbles residence)

  • Mrs. Tibble: Arthur, come in!

(The Tibbles are playing wildly in the house)

  • Mrs. Tibble: My grandsons are very energetic, but I don't think that will be a problem, do you?

(Arthur hallucinates all the accidents that the Tibbles are causing)

  • Mrs. Tibble: Are you okay, Arthur?
  • Arthur: (gasps)
  • Mrs. Tibble: Boys, Arthur's here!

(The boys continue to play wildly)

  • Mrs. Tibble: That's Tommy in the red kerchief and Timmy in the blue one. It's their naptime now, so they should sleep until I'm back. See you later boys!
  • Timmy Tibble: She's gone!

(The boys attempt to lasso the cat)

  • Arthur: TOMMY! TIMMY! (the cat lands on him) T....
  • Timmy Tibble: Don't move, there's a vicious mountain lion on your head!
  • Arthur: (pulls the cat off his head) Look guys, it's naptime!
  • Tommy Tibble: You tired?
  • Timmy Tibble: No. You?
  • Tommy Tibble: No! We're not tired! We want to play hide and seek!
  • Prunella (echoing voice): Be tough on them or you're dead!
  • Timmy Tibble: WE'RE NOT TIRED! LOOK!

(The boys lasso a statue)

  • Arthur: Hey! (falls into the statue as it breaks)

(Now the Tibbles draw on the walls)

  • Arthur: (gasps) STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!

(While Arthur washes the wall, the Tibbles mess around with the grandfather clock. Then, when Arthur fixes the statue, the Tibbles are still causing chaos.)

  • Tibbles: Choo choo!

(The phone rings)

  • Arthur: (answers the phone) Hello?
  • D.W.: Hi Arthur, it's D.W.! Just calling to see how things are going.

(The Tibbles crash into a wall)

  • Arthur: They won't take a nap no matter how much I order them!
  • D.W.: Try playing a game to calm them down. Then they'll get tired.
  • Arthur: Good idea! Thanks D.W.!
  • D.W.: Just don't let them have any paint. (hangs up)

(Now the Tibbles are jumping on the counch making footprints on the ceiling)

  • Arthur (holding a deck of cards): Hey guys, let's play a game!
  • Tommy Tibble: Oh boy, let's play hide and seek!
  • Arthur: Nope. How about playing cards instead?
  • Tommy Tibble: I know a good game. It's called 52 pickup! (throws the cards everywhere)
  • Arthur (picking up the cards): 49, 50, 51, 52.
  • Timmy Tibble: CATCH!

(A basketball lands in Arthur's chest, causing the cards, table, and flower pot to spill. Now we see the Tibbles eating from a bag of sugar. Then, they see Arthur standing in the kitchen doorway.)

  • Tommy Tibble: You ready to play hide and seek?
  • Arthur: No. You guys wouldn't be interested in playing cowboys, would you?
  • Tibbles: YAY! YEAH!
  • Arthur: Okay, now I'll be the sheriff and you're my deputies. I'm your boss and....
  • Timmy Tibble: We're the bad guys and you can't catch us!

(The boys start running wild again leaving Arthur in shock.)

(Then, Arthur gets lassoed while the phone rings again.)

  • Timmy Tibble: (answers the phone)
  • D.W.: Hello? Arthur?
  • Timmy Tibble: Arthur can't come to the phone right now. He's all tied up! (hangs up)
  • Tommy Tibble: You ready to play hide and seek, sheriff?
  • Arthur (tiredly): Okay, okay.
  • Tommy Tibble: You're it! Count to 20!
  • Arthur: 19, 20! Ready or not, here I come! It's nice and quiet now..... Too quiet.

(Notices the window open)


(Arthur fantasizes the Tibbles letting all the animals loose at the Elwood City Zoo, causing pandemonium and frantic for all of the citizens)

  • Francine: This is all Arthur's fault! He was supposed to watch them!
  • Prunella: Yeah, it's Arthur's fault! He's gonna pay for this!

(The phone rings again)

  • D.W.: Arthur? Is that you? What happened before?
  • Arthur: Hmmmm..... I can't talk right now, I'm looking for the TWINS! I think they LEFT!

(Tibbles giggle while hiding behind a window curtain)

  • D.W.: Arthur! You'll go to jail for losing two innocent children!
  • Arthur: I'm especially worried because if they're not with ME, the SWAMP THING might get them!
  • D.W.: THE? WHAT?!
  • Arthur: The Swamp Thing rises from the swamp every day at around this time to hunt for something to eat.
  • D.W.: Uh, Arthur? Are you feeling alright?

(Tibble Twins scream)

  • Arthur: I'll call you back. (hangs up)
  • Tibbles: LET US OUT! MONSTER!
  • Tommy Tibble: The Swamp Thing is outside!
  • Timmy Tibble: What do we do?!
  • Arthur: Sit down a safe distance from the doors and windows and I'll tell you! The Swamp Thing is a nasty creature covered with green slimy gunk and it's ALWAYS hungry! Hungry for twin boys! But twins are hard to find, so he's always VERY hungry! And that makes him mad. MEAN MAD! You can hear him sneaking up..... BEHIND YOU!

(The Tibbles scream)

  • Arthur: But as he walks, the Swamp Thing drips a trail of inky swamp water!

(The door opens slowly, it turns out to be Mrs. Tibble, who just came home while the ice cream melts.)

  • Tibbles: SWAMP THING!
  • Mrs. Tibble: Hello boys! I brought some ice cream from Mrs. Fogel. (notices the ice cream melting) Oh no, it's melting!
  • Tibbles: GRANDMA!
  • Arthur: They didn't feel like taking a nap, so we played. I'll clean up.
  • Tibbles: Can we help Arthur clean up, please?
  • Mrs. Tibble: You want to help clean up? I think I might faint!

(After the clean up....)

  • Mrs. Tibble: You are the first babysitter who didn't run screaming from the house like you were running from a monster!
  • Arthur: That's because I had the monsters on MY side, Mrs. Tibble! See ya later guys!

(Back home....)

  • D.W.: You're home early. Couldn't take it, huh? Didn't I tell you? They were horrible! Admit you were wrong! Admit it!!
  • Arthur: D.W., we had so much fun that Mrs. Tibble wants me to watch them every afternoon this week.
  • D.W.: And you're going to DO IT?!
  • Arthur: Yeah, they just want to have fun, not be bossed around. Oh, they asked me to bring you along tomorrow and all week so they have someone their own age to play with.
  • D.W.: (gasps) Mommy, will you take my "temperuature?" I feel really REALLY REALLY sick!