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User blog:Pugpo/The Red Claw Saga 2: Inside the Realm

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This page is a fan-made fiction or fanon made by SuperMarshmallow.
It is not officially part of the Arthur storyline, nor has it been approved by Marc Brown or the Arthur team.

The Red Claw Saga Fanon Series

by SuperMarshmallow


#1: The Yarn Realm

#2: Inside the Realm

#3: The New Realm

#4: Realm Forever

We last left off in the Red Claw Saga when Nemo lost the key to the Yarn Realm, sending the agents of the Red Claw off for a search party. They finally find the key, a picture of a smiling lady, and Nemo created a portal, betraying Fur Elise. When Fur Elise tried to keep Nemo from going in the portal, Pal pushed both of the cats into the portal, and closed it. Inside the realm, Nemo and Fur Elise were trapped. But Nemo still had the key...

"Hurry, try opening the portal," said Fur Elise, when Nemo told her he still had the key. Nemo was about to try, when two arms of giant yarn reached over, and grabbed Nemo and the key. "Help!" cried Nemo, dropping the key. It floated down into the dephths of the realm. "Oh, no!" moaned Fur Elise. The giant yarn arms shoved Nemo inside a yarn ball, conceling him. Fur Elise looked up at the yarn ball. "Save me!" said the muffled voice of Nemo from inside. Fur Elise narrowed her eyes. "No! You weren't going to let me in! Now you got us trapped!" she yelled. "I'm going to find the key and get out without you!". Fur Elise closed her eyes, and jumped off the yarn ball she was standing on. She fell into the bowls of the dimension, in search of the smiling lady. "Elise, come back!" pleased Nemo. But it was to late. Nemo (who was in a small room inside the yarn ball) sat down and sulked. Suddenly, he heard laughing. It was the yarn ball! "Ha, ha ha ha!" laughed the yarn. "You have really gotten yourself into a fix!". Nemo grumbled. "You know, there is a way out of me," said Yarn. "How?" asked Nemo, perking up. "Are you really willing to do it?" Yarn asked. "Yes, yes!". " must complete a maze. The opening to your left in the start. The finish will lead you out of me. Ready to play?". Nemo said, "Ya!". "Okay!". Suddenly, the walls started closing in. "Oh, and did I tell you you're going to be timed?" said Yarn. "The maze will keep getting smaller! And if you don't get out in time...well, you know! Ha ha ha ha ha...!". The room lurched as Yarn laughed. Nemo gulped. He had to get out!

Fur Elise landed leg first on a slimey, black yarn black. "Heeeeeyyyy...gggeeettt offfff mmmeee" said the yarn. Fur Elise ignored the ball. She leaped onto the next one. Then, she spotted the key. "The smiling lady!" she exclaimed, reaching for it. She unexpectantly slipped on the slime, and fell in between teo yarn balls. Below the floating balls was just darkness. And Fur Elise was falling straight for it! A slimey arm suddenly grasped her waist. "Whhhheeerrre dddooo yyou ttthhhiiink yyyyooour're gggoiiiing?" a yarn ball said, lifting up Elise. "Thank you so much!" she said. Then, she spotted the key, floating down into the darkness. "Nevermind..." she jumped out of the yarn's tentacles and soared after the picture. "Nnnoo, you cccaaannn'ttt gggoo dddoowwwnnn ttthhheeereee!" the ball cried after her. Fur Elise was almost in reach of the picture. She streched out her paws, straining to catch the key. Suddenly, a giant needle thrashed before Elise's eyes. There were two giant knitting needles, moving by thereselves! Now Elise knew what the ayrn was talking about. The needles were spitting out new yarn balls left and right. The key was floating dangerous close to the needles. It'd be shredded! And so would she... With one final reach, Fur Elise grabbed the key, and then grasped onto a new yarn ball. The yarn ball floated up, out of the reach of the needles. She burst though the ugly black yarn balls. "Takkkeee meeee wwwiiiitttth yyyyooouu!" the black yarn ball said, reaching out and grabbing Fur Elise. She let go of the floating new yarn, and was cocooned in smiley black yarn. She watched as the yarn ball, and the key, floated out of her grasp.

"A dead end!" Nemo panicked. This was the fourth dead end! He was getting confused, and the walls were pretty tight already! "You will never get out!" said the yarn ball. Nemo was fed up. With his sharp claws, he tore at the yarn walls. "Ow! Stop that!" scolded the yarn. Nemo continued. He was almost there! He was about to get out of this prison! Yarn's yarn arms sprouted out from the walls, and cocooned Nemo. "Ha! You'll never get out now!'". Outiside, the yarn ball Fur Elise had been riding (and the one that contained the key) crashed into the yarn ball Nemo was in. "Ahhh!" screamed Yarn, spiraling in circles. Nemo was thrown against the wall, which ripped open. He was out! "No, no, no, NOOOO!" whined Yarn. Nemo smiled, then he spotted the key, which was on the yarn ball that had crashed into him! He reached for the picture...

Fur Elise could hardly breath in the tight, sweltering cocoon of yarn. "Et e o!" she said through the yarn. The black yarn was too dumb to know what she said. "Wwwhhatt?". "Fur Elise!" said a voice from above. Elise looked up. It was Nemo! And he was holding the key! With the sharp edge of the key, Nemo sliced the yarn cocoon. "Ow!" said the black yarn. "Now you get yours, black and white kitty!". The yarn sent another yarn tentacle around Nemo. Fur Elise looked at Nemo. I'm free... she thought. And I have the key...I could finally get Nemo off my shoudlers! Fur Elise took off, and floated up. "So long, Nemo!" she said. "Ooooooo!" cried Nemo from inside the cocoon. Suddenly, a new yarn ball came up from behind the black yarn ball at racing speeds. It pushed up the black ball, and the cocooned Nemo. They were heading straight for Fur Elise! And, in front of Fur Elise was Yarn, the ball Nemo was trapped in! "You're mine, kitty!". Fur Elise's eyes widened. "Noooo!". The three yarn balls and the two cats collided, and exploded. When the smoke cleared, all that was left was one giant black/pink/yellow yarn ball. And Nemo and Fur Elise were no were to be seen.

To be continued...

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