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Difference between revisions of "User blog:Orion001/Chronicals of Arthur: Adam's Day Out Chapter 1"

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Morning has arrived at the Walter residence. Adam had a sleeping bag on the ground of a large room. There is a grey desk on the front wall with a computer, orange files, printer, red books, telephone and a plant siting on it. A book shelf was over the desk. It was full of books and a plant growing from a pot. A red moving chair pushed into the desk. A red lamp standed at a corner next to the desk. Follow that wall and you find red chair in front of two tropical plants. On the back wall a red sofa was placed. A coffee table was at the head of Adams sleeping bag. A single window was on the otherside of the room. It viewed the backyard. This room hold a large fancy table with eligant chairs. A fireplace was in the room next to the window. A eligant china was stored in a beautiful china cabinet. Another window was behind Adams head it peered onto the street. The sun climbed into the room and Adam was effected by the new light. Upstairs Fern was still asleep as the sun shined through her window. Her room was small compared to the room Adam was in. The bed took up most of the room. At the edge of her bed there was a purple chest with a purple pillow, on the other of the chest is a desk. Next to the desk is a small night table with a lamp on it. Over Ferns bed was a book shelf with many books. Next to the shelf was a few hooks were she could hang her clothest. Ferns room was not very clean, but then again she dose not have alot of stuff to put into it. Most of her things were given to her by her mom and same with the decoration. Outside Adam was awake ready for along day of training on this day. He starts calling out all his Pokemon. Prepared to them for a simple morning workout. Back inside down long narowing hallway from Ferns room. A larger bedroom , Inside their is a large dresser infont of a blue sheeted bed. Plants grew on the window silly. It was panted in white. On both sides of the bed are night stands. A buzzer rang fro a clock on the right side night stand. Awaken a female dog wearing a pink night gown. She had tan fur and black wavy hair. "Wake up honey." Said the lady. She shook the body next to her. He was wearing a blue set of pyjamas, brown male dog. He growned, turned over and went to sleep. She shook him again. "Clark wake up." Said Doria. Clark was tried from last night supper and party. Doria was the name of the female dog. Clark had recieved a raise yesterday, and the entire family went out for dinner at a chinease food resturant. Today is a new day, they have a special guest in their home. Outside Adam continued his training this time he is with Monferno, a large orange monkey with a blue mask and a tail on fire. Adam was mimicing Monfernos fighting style in hopes of geting Monferno interest in training for the day. Short leaps, punches and kicks were the thing to get Monferno interested, but this morning Monferno was being uncooperative with Adam. "Fine lets see your ember attack." Adam ordered. Monferno agin seemed to be not interested. Adam tired of Monfernos attitude this morning called him back to his Pokeball. Back inside a tired Clark walked downstairs to the kitchen, followed by a followly ready Doria, she had on her useal clothest a green dress with peral neckles. She grabs a cup from the covert that is overhead near to the sink. She places the cup under a coffee maker and stared the coffee for the tired dog. She then started making Breakfast for the house. Adam was still training outside now he has a pink floating cat with large feet, small arms, and a long tail. The Pokemon Mew. Mew was excited tobe out in the fresh morning air. It was floating around in circles, up and down, upside down. "Mew use Teleport." Adam called out. Mew disappeared in a blue and purple light. Reappeared inside suppriseing Doria who was stationed in the kitchen making breakfast. "Ahhh" Doria screamed. It was loud enough to wake up Clark. Then Mew herad a noise and then disappeared again. Outside Adam waited for the return of Mew. Mew reappeared over Ferns bed. Mew is a very curiour Pokemon do to that Mews are so rare and so many are very secritive of the being around others. Mew floated over the sleeping Fern. Mew notices some movement on the otherside of the bed, a round brown ball with a long tail with a yellow lightning bolt was swaing in the air. Mew floated closer to the object. It was Fern's Raichu sleeping soundly. Mew was excited and started to dodge the movement of Raichu tail. Until Mew knocked into Raichu. Raichu woke up sundenly with a huge thunderbolt. The electricity attack shocked Fern causing her to wake up. Mew realised that the fun was over and teleported out of there view. Fern grougy looked at the clock notice it was 5:30 am. She grabed a pillow and threw it at the nervous Raichu. It shocked him and he jumped off the bed. Finaly Mew reappeared in front of Adam. "What took you so long?" Adam was annoied with Mew. Mew looked down. "Mew" Mew said sadly. "Oh right, I guess since this is new place......I guess, I should look the other way. For now." Adam said. He took out Mews Pokeball and called him back. The chaos that happened inside has finaly calm down. Clark finaly settled down to his breakfast of black coffee, fried eggs, ham and toast with some butter. Fern fell back to sleep and Raichu strached out returned to sleep. Outside Adam was back in to his training. Adam called out all his Pokemon indiviualy so they can each get a good warm up. Hours has passed and it is finaly 7:00 am. Ferns alarm clock went off.
Morning has arrived at the Walter residence. Adam had a sleeping bag on the ground of a large room. There is a grey desk on the front wall with a computer, orange files, printer, red books, telephone and a plant siting on it. A book shelf was over the desk. It was full of books and a plant growing from a pot. A red moving chair pushed into the desk. A red lamp standed at a corner next to the desk. Follow that wall and you find red chair in front of two tropical plants. On the back wall a red sofa was placed. A coffee table was at the head of Adams sleeping bag. A single window was on the otherside of the room. It viewed the backyard. This room hold a large fancy table with eligant chairs. A fireplace was in the room next to the window. A eligant china was stored in a beautiful china cabinet. Another window was behind Adams head it peered onto the street. The sun climbed into the room and Adam was effected by the new light. Upstairs Fern was still asleep as the sun shined through her window. Her room was small compared to the room Adam was in. The bed took up most of the room. At the edge of her bed there was a purple chest with a purple pillow, on the other of the chest is a desk. Next to the desk is a small night table with a lamp on it. Over Ferns bed was a book shelf with many books. Next to the shelf was a few hooks were she could hang her clothest. Ferns room was not very clean, but then again she dose not have alot of stuff to put into it. Most of her things were given to her by her mom and same with the decoration. Outside Adam was awake ready for along day of training on this day. He starts calling out all his Pokemon. Prepared to them for a simple morning workout. Back inside down long narowing hallway from Ferns room. A larger bedroom , Inside their is a large dresser infont of a blue sheeted bed. Plants grew on the window silly. It was panted in white. On both sides of the bed are night stands. A buzzer rang fro a clock on the right side night stand. Awaken a female dog wearing a pink night gown. She had tan fur and black wavy hair. "Wake up honey." Said the lady. She shook the body next to her. He was wearing a blue set of pyjamas, brown male dog. He growned, turned over and went to sleep. She shook him again. "Clark wake up." Said Doria. Clark was tried from last night supper and party. Doria was the name of the female dog. Clark had recieved a raise yesterday, and the entire family went out for dinner at a chinease food resturant. Today is a new day, they have a special guest in their home. Outside Adam continued his training this time he is with Monferno, a large orange monkey with a blue mask and a tail on fire. Adam was mimicing Monfernos fighting style in hopes of geting Monferno interest in training for the day. Short leaps, punches and kicks were the thing to get Monferno interested, but this morning Monferno was being uncooperative with Adam. "Fine lets see your ember attack." Adam ordered. Monferno agin seemed to be not interested. Adam tired of Monfernos attitude this morning called him back to his Pokeball. Back inside a tired Clark walked downstairs to the kitchen, followed by a followly ready Doria, she had on her useal clothest a green dress with peral neckles. She grabs a cup from the covert that is overhead near to the sink. She places the cup under a coffee maker and stared the coffee for the tired dog. She then started making Breakfast for the house. Adam was still training outside now he has a pink floating cat with large feet, small arms, and a long tail. The Pokemon Mew. Mew was excited tobe out in the fresh morning air. It was floating around in circles, up and down, upside down. "Mew use Teleport." Adam called out. Mew disappeared in a blue and purple light. Reappeared inside suppriseing Doria who was stationed in the kitchen making breakfast. "Ahhh" Doria screamed. It was loud enough to wake up Clark. Then Mew herad a noise and then disappeared again. Outside Adam waited for the return of Mew. Mew reappeared over Ferns bed. Mew is a very curiour Pokemon do to that Mews are so rare and so many are very secritive of the being around others. Mew floated over the sleeping Fern. Mew notices some movement on the otherside of the bed, a round brown ball with a long tail with a yellow lightning bolt was swaing in the air. Mew floated closer to the object. It was Fern's Raichu sleeping soundly. Mew was excited and started to dodge the movement of Raichu tail. Until Mew knocked into Raichu. Raichu woke up sundenly with a huge thunderbolt. The electricity attack shocked Fern causing her to wake up. Mew realised that the fun was over and teleported out of there view. Fern grougy looked at the clock notice it was 5:30 am. She grabed a pillow and threw it at the nervous Raichu. It shocked him and he jumped off the bed. Finaly Mew reappeared in front of Adam. "What took you so long?" Adam was annoied with Mew. Mew looked down. "Mew" Mew said sadly. "Oh right, I guess since this is new place......I guess, I should look the other way. For now." Adam said. He took out Mews Pokeball and called him back. The chaos that happened inside has finaly calm down. Clark finaly settled down to his breakfast of black coffee, fried eggs, ham and toast with some butter. Fern fell back to sleep and Raichu strached out returned to sleep. Outside Adam was back in to his training. Adam called out all his Pokemon indiviualy so they can each get a good warm up. Hours has passed and it is finaly 7:00 am. Ferns alarm clock went off. From the covers Fern appears and stretchs from the riot of the early morning.  Raichu also started geting up.  He stretched and uncoils his body.  Fern leaps out of bed.  She puts her feet into her blue slipers and left the room.  She went down stairs to check on Adam.  No one other than her mother.  The sleeping bag was all cleaned up and Adams shoes was gone.  "Mom."  Fern screamed.  "Adam is gone."  Doria turns around and leaves the kitchen to see that their guest was defintly gone.
End of Chapter 1
[[Category:Blog posts]]
[[Category:Blog posts]]

Latest revision as of 18:50, 14 September 2011

Morning has arrived at the Walter residence. Adam had a sleeping bag on the ground of a large room. There is a grey desk on the front wall with a computer, orange files, printer, red books, telephone and a plant siting on it. A book shelf was over the desk. It was full of books and a plant growing from a pot. A red moving chair pushed into the desk. A red lamp standed at a corner next to the desk. Follow that wall and you find red chair in front of two tropical plants. On the back wall a red sofa was placed. A coffee table was at the head of Adams sleeping bag. A single window was on the otherside of the room. It viewed the backyard. This room hold a large fancy table with eligant chairs. A fireplace was in the room next to the window. A eligant china was stored in a beautiful china cabinet. Another window was behind Adams head it peered onto the street. The sun climbed into the room and Adam was effected by the new light. Upstairs Fern was still asleep as the sun shined through her window. Her room was small compared to the room Adam was in. The bed took up most of the room. At the edge of her bed there was a purple chest with a purple pillow, on the other of the chest is a desk. Next to the desk is a small night table with a lamp on it. Over Ferns bed was a book shelf with many books. Next to the shelf was a few hooks were she could hang her clothest. Ferns room was not very clean, but then again she dose not have alot of stuff to put into it. Most of her things were given to her by her mom and same with the decoration. Outside Adam was awake ready for along day of training on this day. He starts calling out all his Pokemon. Prepared to them for a simple morning workout. Back inside down long narowing hallway from Ferns room. A larger bedroom , Inside their is a large dresser infont of a blue sheeted bed. Plants grew on the window silly. It was panted in white. On both sides of the bed are night stands. A buzzer rang fro a clock on the right side night stand. Awaken a female dog wearing a pink night gown. She had tan fur and black wavy hair. "Wake up honey." Said the lady. She shook the body next to her. He was wearing a blue set of pyjamas, brown male dog. He growned, turned over and went to sleep. She shook him again. "Clark wake up." Said Doria. Clark was tried from last night supper and party. Doria was the name of the female dog. Clark had recieved a raise yesterday, and the entire family went out for dinner at a chinease food resturant. Today is a new day, they have a special guest in their home. Outside Adam continued his training this time he is with Monferno, a large orange monkey with a blue mask and a tail on fire. Adam was mimicing Monfernos fighting style in hopes of geting Monferno interest in training for the day. Short leaps, punches and kicks were the thing to get Monferno interested, but this morning Monferno was being uncooperative with Adam. "Fine lets see your ember attack." Adam ordered. Monferno agin seemed to be not interested. Adam tired of Monfernos attitude this morning called him back to his Pokeball. Back inside a tired Clark walked downstairs to the kitchen, followed by a followly ready Doria, she had on her useal clothest a green dress with peral neckles. She grabs a cup from the covert that is overhead near to the sink. She places the cup under a coffee maker and stared the coffee for the tired dog. She then started making Breakfast for the house. Adam was still training outside now he has a pink floating cat with large feet, small arms, and a long tail. The Pokemon Mew. Mew was excited tobe out in the fresh morning air. It was floating around in circles, up and down, upside down. "Mew use Teleport." Adam called out. Mew disappeared in a blue and purple light. Reappeared inside suppriseing Doria who was stationed in the kitchen making breakfast. "Ahhh" Doria screamed. It was loud enough to wake up Clark. Then Mew herad a noise and then disappeared again. Outside Adam waited for the return of Mew. Mew reappeared over Ferns bed. Mew is a very curiour Pokemon do to that Mews are so rare and so many are very secritive of the being around others. Mew floated over the sleeping Fern. Mew notices some movement on the otherside of the bed, a round brown ball with a long tail with a yellow lightning bolt was swaing in the air. Mew floated closer to the object. It was Fern's Raichu sleeping soundly. Mew was excited and started to dodge the movement of Raichu tail. Until Mew knocked into Raichu. Raichu woke up sundenly with a huge thunderbolt. The electricity attack shocked Fern causing her to wake up. Mew realised that the fun was over and teleported out of there view. Fern grougy looked at the clock notice it was 5:30 am. She grabed a pillow and threw it at the nervous Raichu. It shocked him and he jumped off the bed. Finaly Mew reappeared in front of Adam. "What took you so long?" Adam was annoied with Mew. Mew looked down. "Mew" Mew said sadly. "Oh right, I guess since this is new place......I guess, I should look the other way. For now." Adam said. He took out Mews Pokeball and called him back. The chaos that happened inside has finaly calm down. Clark finaly settled down to his breakfast of black coffee, fried eggs, ham and toast with some butter. Fern fell back to sleep and Raichu strached out returned to sleep. Outside Adam was back in to his training. Adam called out all his Pokemon indiviualy so they can each get a good warm up. Hours has passed and it is finaly 7:00 am. Ferns alarm clock went off. From the covers Fern appears and stretchs from the riot of the early morning. Raichu also started geting up. He stretched and uncoils his body. Fern leaps out of bed. She puts her feet into her blue slipers and left the room. She went down stairs to check on Adam. No one other than her mother. The sleeping bag was all cleaned up and Adams shoes was gone. "Mom." Fern screamed. "Adam is gone." Doria turns around and leaves the kitchen to see that their guest was defintly gone.

End of Chapter 1