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(I did my research and the bird is a Cockatiel)
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D.W. is sick of being the younger one. In a dream, she [[Time travel|travels through time]] and changes it so that she is born first and Arthur second. After a time travel mishap, she realizes how much she appreciates having an older sibling
D.W. is sick of being the younger one. In a dream, she [[Time travel|travels through time]] and changes it so that she is born first and Arthur second. After a time travel mishap, she realizes how much she appreciates having an older sibling
D.W. wants to see a young children's movie called Doll Story 2. Arthur takes her to the theater, showing her a shorcut to get there sooner. However, when they get there, Arthur meets up with his friends, who are going to see Slappy Blackhead's Way Cool Journey Through Time, a time-travel movie geared towards their age group. Arthur and D.W. end up seeing the other movie, and D.W. is unhappy.
D.W. wants to see a young children's movie called [[Doll Story 2]]. Arthur takes her to the theater, showing her a shorcut to get there sooner. However, when they get there, Arthur meets up with his friends, who are going to see Slappy Blackhead's Way Cool Journey Through Time, a time-travel movie geared towards their age group. Arthur and D.W. end up seeing the other movie, and D.W. is unhappy.

D.W. goes on to tell the viewer that she feels unhappy being a little sister. She gives the viewer examples, such as being refused a kitten because Arthur has a dog, Pal. Then, she is given Arthur's old jacket, which D.W. doesn't like. Then, D.W.'s preschool teacher gushes about a fingerpainting that Arthur made. Arthur then cuts D.W. off & the screen goes blank.
D.W. goes on to tell the viewer that she feels unhappy being a little sister. She gives the viewer examples, such as being refused a kitten because Arthur has a dog, Pal. Then, she is given Arthur's old jacket, which D.W. doesn't like. Then, D.W.'s preschool teacher gushes about a fingerpainting that Arthur made. Arthur then cuts D.W. off & the screen goes blank.

Revision as of 00:19, 7 March 2012


"D.W.'s Time Trouble"
D.W.'s Time Trouble.jpg
Season/Series: 7
Original Airdate: November 26, 2002
"Jenna's Bedtime Blues"
"Buster's Amish Mismatch"
Read transcript

D.W.'s Time Trouble is the first half of the 7th episode of Season 7. It first aired on November 26, 2002 with Buster's Amish Mismatch.


D.W. is sick of being the younger one. In a dream, she travels through time and changes it so that she is born first and Arthur second. After a time travel mishap, she realizes how much she appreciates having an older sibling


D.W. wants to see a young children's movie called Doll Story 2. Arthur takes her to the theater, showing her a shorcut to get there sooner. However, when they get there, Arthur meets up with his friends, who are going to see Slappy Blackhead's Way Cool Journey Through Time, a time-travel movie geared towards their age group. Arthur and D.W. end up seeing the other movie, and D.W. is unhappy.

D.W. goes on to tell the viewer that she feels unhappy being a little sister. She gives the viewer examples, such as being refused a kitten because Arthur has a dog, Pal. Then, she is given Arthur's old jacket, which D.W. doesn't like. Then, D.W.'s preschool teacher gushes about a fingerpainting that Arthur made. Arthur then cuts D.W. off & the screen goes blank.

After the title card, Arthur and his friends are leaving the movie with D.W., who doesn't understand why the older kids find it funny. She tells Jane about it, who responds by saying that Arthur won't be seeing movies for quite some time. D.W. asks her mother why she wasn't born first, wishing that she could make Arthur do things. Jane responds by saying that's how it was.

After Jane leaves, Nadine appears with a tricycle-like time machine (similar to the bike in the "Slappy Blackhead" movie). She suggests that D.W. goes back in time to make Arthur fall in garbage. But instead, D.W. wants to go back in time to make sure that she was born first. Nadine agrees to this, and the two go back in time.

D.W. and Nadine find themselves in the mall's parking lot, where they see David and Jane (dressed up as a cowboy and a princess, respectively) parking their car. D.W. is told not to hide, for David and Jane would not recognize her. But when D.W. and Nadine follow them into the "baby store" at the mall, she is told to hide. D.W. sees the baby store and overhears David and Jane talking to the salesman. They want a little girl who is "partial to pink jumpers and unicorns", but the salesman suggests a boy, who are on sale. The boy the salesman picks out is Arthur, who burps in David's face. The salesman convinces David and Jane to get Arthur, and they take him.

Upset with this, D.W. and Nadine go back in time and repeat the process - with one major exception. D.W., disguised as a salesperson, leads David and Jane to a baby version of D.W. surrounded by people. Driving the other people away by saying David and Jane pre-ordered the baby D.W., she successfully convinces her parents to buy the baby. D.W. and Nadine then go forward in time, seeing D.W. being applauded as a "perfect child" given attention and pets. David and Jane say that they do not need another child, since firstborn D.W. is so perfect.

Feeling bad for baby Arthur, D.W. goes back to the baby store. She finds baby Arthur and leaves him at the Reads' doorsteps. Firstborn D.W. suggests that David and Jane keep him. The real D.W. and Nadine go forward in time to see how an older D.W. and younger brother Arthur are doing. Older D.W. is teaching Arthur what is good and what is bad, (D.W.'s pets watching are a Cat, pig, monkey, Cockatiel & Pony) giving him cookies as a reward.

Later, older D.W. and Arthur go to a "Mary Moo Cow for President" rally, where Arthur suggests going to Doll Story 2. The real D.W. and Nadine think everything is going great - until Arthur throws a tantrum, breaking his glasses in the process.

At home, older D.W. is scolded. Arthur then decides that he wants to see Slappy Blackhead, which he calls "Sloopy Bloopy". Older D.W. is forced to comply, and to get him new glasses. The real D.W. and Nadine follow behind on the time machine. Looking at the clock, Arthur says that they are going to miss the movie. Older D.W. decides to take a shortcut, using the same route that the real D.W. was shown in the beginning of the episode. Only this time, older D.W. and Arthur get lost - older D.W. doesn't know the way out. The real D.W. and Nadine watch them, and D.W. states that she doesn't know the way out either. Feeling scared, the real D.W. tells Nadine that they should go back in time and prevent them from taking the "shortcut".

Unfortunately, Arthur finds the time machine before D.W., and disappears. Older D.W. then sees the real D.W. and Nadine. D.W. tells her that she is her. Shocked, older D.W. calls for an older version of Nadine. Asked if she knows the way out, the real D.W. says no. Both D.W.s and Nadines call out for help, but to no avail. The real D.W. then decides that she no longer wants to be the oldest.

Back in the real D.W.'s room, D.W. is still asleep. The real Arthur finds her and asks if she's okay. D.W. wakes up and is glad to see him. When she says that she's glad that Arthur is not "that broken baby at the baby store", D.W. is told that babies don't come from stores. D.W. realizes that she was having a bad dream. Arthur gives her her toys to comfort her, and D.W. tells him that she's glad that he's her older brother. Arthur then goes back to his room. D.W. then joins Arthur in his bed and the two fall asleep.