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== General Information About Me


Hi I'm William. Yes it's me, WillTheArthurandBusterFan5050 from Fandom and I'll prove it! Only on this site, I'm BusterAndCarlRulz5050, I kept some parts of my Fandom name, "Buster" and "5050." But you can still call me "William" or just plain "Will," the names I flirt to, but if you call me "Bill" or "Billy" I will have to hurt you. Okay I won't hurt you, I couldn't if I wanted to, which I don't, but don't expect me to answer to those B-names!

I still like Arthur Read, he's still my most favorite aardvark and still one of my top favorite characters but I'm a big rabbit fanatic and love Buster and Carl, who has what I have and that's autism, well, Asperger's. I'm also the creator of Demetre Adams, my O.C. Arthur character and the Arthur version of me (sometimes we're two separate characters!)

I'm also a crazed fanatic of railroad crossings but those with gates (preferably red and white striped and maybe with red lights on them,) flashing red light signals, or best yet both (passive crossings and wigwags signals are a dime-a-dozen!) I'm also interested in fire alarms although they scare me, I like them best with strove lights or other flashing-alert light (and wish more cartoons featured flashing fire alarms, including Arthur!)

And I love cartoons, animated shows and animated movies, prefer old-fashioned 2D but I'll take 3D. I don't like all cartoons , especially adult cartoons, and do like some live action but I prefer animation, and I even like preschool cartoons like (besides Arthur) Maya and Miguel, 64 Zoo Lane, Curious George, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Caillou, Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs, My Friend Rabbit, and Bubble Guppies.

I'm a nice guy but I can be hard to deal with and I consider myself asocial, but I love people.

Well, that's all ya need to know about me!

My Arthur Fandom Page

== Favorite Pages


Buster Baxter

Carl Gould

Arthur Read fan's profile page

My Top Favorite Arthur Characters

1. Buster Baxter. He's the most interesting character to me. Honestly what I like the most about him is that he's a white male rabbit, my most favorite kind of rabbit, and he's my most favorite animal too. But other things I like about him, for one he's a big eater like I am, something you don't expect of a rabbit character but that's what also makes him interesting. He's also brave enough to eat almost anything although his eating choices are not always ideal. I don't like his sense of hygene and that he's a slob but he's not all bad! I also wish he wasn't such a weakling or someone that gets scared easily and sometimes even I get annoyed with his theory of aliens but that's just who he is. And like me he's a fun-lover. I'm not that much different than Buster! I don't obsess about aliens but I do obsess about other things and I too am a weakling and get scared easily but I guess I expect and want more from Buster than from myself! I do wonder what his middle name is (and I can think of several, like "Bradley," "Louis," "Lucas," "Michael," etc.) And although Daniel Brochu's voice for him has grown on me, I do wonder what he would sound like if he had a more normal boy-voice like Arthur, Brain, and James do. Buster's not perfect but he's still my most favorite character (he was my second favorite but I decided to make him my top favorite.) I also like that he has a spinoff show and where he's the main main character, Postcards From Buster. Buster may be a goof-ball but he's relatively smart and he's nice!

2. Carl Gould. Like Buster, I also like him because he's a rabbit and a light-colored one, but I also like him because he has what I have, autism. Well Asperger's Syndrome. I'm real glad they added him, I wanted an Arthur character that had Asperger's Syndrome or some form of autism since they also have characters with other issues like bed-wetting (Jenna Morgan,) blindness (Marina,) Peanut Allergies (Binky Barnes,) Asthma (Buster and Mr. Morris,) etc. Arthur would have been incomplete without an autistic character, a character I and others like me can relate to! Like me Carl also likes trains, although it's gotten less obvious over time, he's been shown to show an interest in rockets. I don't have a fear of puppets myself but I do have things I'm really afraid of, including change, especially big changes. And like me, he too hates loud noises! And although he likes to keep a structured routine, sometimes I do too, but I'm more of an ad-libber and make up my day as I go, I don't like to follow set schedules all that much! But I'm super glad they made Carl and I'm extra happy they made him a rabbit of all characters!

Sometimes Carl's my most favorite character and sometimes Buster is, I'm back and forth with these two. Unlike Buster though, Carl has more class and is more of a neat-freak than Buster! I guess Carl can be a little difficult too but I still love him so!

3. Arthur Read. The main character of the show and the titular character. He is also my most favorite aardvark in the world although he looks nothing like an aardvark, more like a bear or a mouse but with a flat-face. No matter, I like Arthur best this way even if he's a generic-looking aardvark, not one with a long nose. He's also the reason why aardvarks are one of my favorite animals now! Arthur was my most favorite character, I liked him better than Buster because though he's not a white-skinned, nor a rabbit, he's smarter than Buster, although sometimes Buster can be the smarter one (and I like that!) It didn't make much since that rabbits were my most favorite animals in the world, me liking them more than aardvarks, Buster being my most favorite rabbit in the world, and yet, Arthur, not being a rabbit himself, being my most favorite character. Maybe it wasn't the animal's physical appearance, maybe it was the personality. Arthur can get immature though and can lose his patience, especially when it comes to his sister D.W., his best friend Buster, who can also get impatient with him, and his (Arthur's) family and them insisting on him doing what D.W. wants or insisting on him taking D.W. places with him. I also like Arthur's physical appearance!

4. Alan Brain Powers. Brain was my third most favorite character and had been since 2007 but after knowing Carl for quite a while and having him become one of my top favorites, Brain has been bumped down to 4th favorite character. He's smart, sometimes too smart and can be a know-it-all and a wet blanket, especially to Buster, and the two can get really annoyed with each other although more often than not Brain is right and Buster is wrong, (and I hate it when these two fight and this is one of the reasons why "On the Buster Scale" is one of my most disliked episodes!) But in spite of their differences, they're still friends. I also like Brain's physical appearance, he's one of my most favorite bears in the world!

OTHER FAVORITE CHARACTERS Alex Binky Barnes Francine Frensky Sue Ellen Armstrong Fern Walters George Lundgren Bitzi Baxter Bo Baxter Harry Mills Mr. Sipple Alberto Molina James MacDonald Slink David Read Jane Read Chip Crosswire Rattles Molly Kiefer Adil Edwin Tommy Tibble (I don't just like that he wears red, which is my favorite color, but I think he's more mature than Timmy, even just a little bit!) The white aardvark that looks remarkably like Arthur!


1. D.W. Read. I like her a little but she's super annoying and makes me angry! She, to me, is a spoiled brat, more spoiled than her rich best friend Emily. I also hate that she's bossy and that she manipulates Arthur into doing whatever she wants him to do, and sometimes her parents side with her and make Arthur do what she wants or let her have what she wants. She's also a bully to Arthur, an even bigger bully than even Binky was, and sometimes intentionally embarrasses Arthur. There are some episodes I cannot watch anymore because of her! But Arthur isn't her only target, sometimes she goes after other characters and bosses them around too and gives them hard times, like Buster, Emily, James, Bud, her little sister Kate (boy do I feel sorry for Kate because of D.W,) and the even the Tibbles although the Tibbles deserve it the way they act! I'll admit D.W. isn't all bad but she's very very annoying, I'm glad she's not my sister! Some day she is going to have to learn that she cannot have everything her way and she needs to start being nicer to Arthur and to others for that matter!

2. Mary Alice "Muffy" Crosswire. Though older than D.W., like D.W., she too is spoiled and can be bossy and very controlling, especially of her best friend Francine! I'd much rather be friends with Buster than with Muffy! Admittedly Muffy does have some good intentions and I admire that she has some ideas, I have ideas too, but her ideas, mine too, get rejected (okay not all my ideas get rejected!) She also gets an attitude when she doesn't get her way (cannot say I'm not guilty of that!) I don't completely dislike Muffy but I don't like her all that much!

3. Timmy Tibble. Although looks exactly the same as Tommy, after all they're identical twins, to me he's more evil and more of a monster than Tommy! I'd rather be with D.W. than be with him! Heck I'd rather be with the Tough Customers than be with him!

4. The Teenage Male Cat that cursed out his mother in "Bleep." gf