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Editing Arthur's Chicken Pox (episode)/Transcript

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''Arthur eats cereal at the breakfast table. His mom is on the phone.''
DW: Ugh!
'''Mrs. Read:''' ...fifteen kilograms of...
'''Arthur:''' It's a typical Monday morning in the Read house.
'''Kate:''' (cries)    ''Mr. Read is cooking. D.W. searches a cupboard and throws pots and pans behind her.''
'''Mrs. Read:''' birthday was months ago, so I have no idea why or who...
'''Arthur:''' Sometimes I wish I lived in a quieter place.
''D.W. marches through the kitchen banging two pot lids together. She is wearing a tutu.''
'''D.W.:''' The circus is coming! The circus is coming! The circus is coming....
'''Arthur:''' Like the middle of the desert, or Mars, maybe.      ''D.W. bangs the lids right next to his ear.''    Aah!
'''D.W.:''' Didn't you hear me? The circus is coming. In only six more days.    ''She bangs the lids again.'' 
'''Mr. Read:''' All right. That's enough.    ''He takes the lids away.''
'''D.W.:''' But Dad! The circus is coming!
'''Mrs. Read:''' Just a minute, Carol.  We heard you, honey. Several times
'''Arthur:''' It's not that I'm not excited about the circus, because it's really fun when we go.
''Flashback: The Reads sit in a circus ring with many other people. A shadow falls on D.W.''
'''D.W.:''' Hh!    ''An elephant's trunk grabs her cotton candy and ice-cream.''  Aaaaaahh!!
''The flashback ends. Arthur paints a picture of a circus elephant in in art class.''
'''Arthur:''' It's just that the circus isn't until Saturday, and besides, I'm feeling a little funny.
'''<big>Title Card: D.W. Chases Toad</big>'''
''The kids are painting in art class. Binky uses his brush viciously.''
'''Binky:''' (growls)    ''Some red paint from Binky's brush falls on Buster's easel, where it forms an interesting comet shape.''
'''Buster:''' Hh! Hey, thanks!
''Muffy is painting a $1000 note. She notices that Sue Ellen is painting blue trees.''
'''Muffy:''' Miss Bryan, Sue Ellen is making her trees the wrong color!  ''Miss Bryan comes over.''
'''Sue Ellen:''' Oh.
'''Ms. Bryan:''' But these are lovely. It doesn't matter what colors you used.
'''Sue Ellen:''' (blows raspberry at Muffy)
'''Ms. Bryan:''' See? Arthur's elephants are blue.
'''Muffy:''' Hmph
''Arthur has painted an elephant in a circus arena. It suddenly becomes animated and trumpets.''
'''Arthur:''' Hh!  ''The whole easel turns into a blue elephant.''  Aaah!  ''The elephant looks at him.''  Oh, no.    ''The elephant trumpets again.''      Aaah!    ''He walks backwards and bumps into Francine.''
'''Francine:''' Oof.  Watch it.
'''Arthur:''' B-blue elephant. Huh?    ''The easel and painting look normal again.''
''Arthur lies on a stretcher in the nurse's room. The nurse shines a light on him.''
'''Ms. Flynn:''' Now, What's all this about blue elephants?      ''She puts a thermometer in Arthur's mouth.''
'''Arthur:''' Hmph.
''Francine, Muffy, Buster and Brain stand in the door.''
'''Kids:''' (whsipering)
'''Francine:''' Are you sick?
'''Muffy:''' Is it contagious?
'''Buster:''' Did you throw up yet?
'''Ms. Flynn:''' ''She shushes everyone telling them its not their business mainly [[Muffy]]''  Don't you worry. With a little rest and quiet, you'll be good as new.    ''Arthur smiles.''
''That afternoon, Arthur sits on the couch at home wearing pajams. He drinks apple juice and eats crackers while watching TV.''
'''TV:''' The Bionic Bunny Show!
'''D.W.:''' I'm home!    ''She comes in and stands in front of the TV.''    What's wrong with you?
'''Arthur:''' I'm sick.
'''D.W.:''' You don't look sick to me.
'''Arthur:''' Well, I feel sick. Move.
'''D.W.:''' Oh, I see. Big test tomorrow? Or did Binky threaten to crush you?
'''Arthur:''' For your information, I had to go to the nurse.
'''D.W.:''' Uh-uh, sure.    ''She takes some of Arthur's crackers.''
''A while later, Arthur and D.W. sit side by side and watch TV.''
'''T.V.:''' Call now and you too can own this genuine imitation leather cowbell! That's right.
''Mrs. Read comes in with a tray for Arthur.''
'''Mrs. Read:''' Huh?
'''T.V.:''' So pick up the phone, that what's right there on the couch!    ''D.W. absentmindedly reaches for a toy phone beside her.''    Remember, it's not available in stores, supplies are limited, so call right now!
'''Mrs. Read:''' Hh!   (sighs)    ''She turns off the TV.''
'''Arthur+D.W.:''' Mom!
'''Arthur:''' We were right in the middle!
'''D.W.:''' Five more minutes!
'''Arthur:''' It was just getting to the good part!
'''D.W.:''' Oh, Mom!
''A short while later, Arthur eats from his tray on the couch, while D.W. sits at the dinner table.''
'''D.W.:''' Why do I have to eat the table?
'''Mrs. Read:''' Because you're not sick.      ''Mr. Read serves spinach.''
'''D.W.:''' Blech! Spinach?  ''She watches Arthur.''    How come Arthur doesn't have to eat spinach?
'''Mr.+Mrs. Read:''' Because he's sick!
'''D.W.:''' He's not! He's faking!  (sticks out tongue at Arthur)
'''Arthur:''' (blows raspberry)
'''D.W.:''' (chuckles) Heh, heh.    ''She tries to look innocent while her parents stare at her.''
''That night, Arthur lies in bed.''
'''Arthur:''' (moans)
''In his dream, a lady performs on a flying trapeze. Arthur realizes, that his bed is high up in a circus arena with the tightrope attached to it.''
'''Arthur:''' Hey!    ''He looks down.''    Hh!
''Suddenly, the bed is gone and Arthur stands in front of the tightrope wearing a leotard.''
'''Arthur:''' Whoa!    ''An artist hands him a unicycle.''    What's this for?
'''Unicyclist:''' You ride it. From here, to there.    ''He points to the other end of the tightrope.''
''D.W. comes wearing the tutu she wore earlier.''
'''D.W.:''' Hurry up, I'm next!
'''Arthur:''' I don't feel so well.
'''D.W.:''' Go on, faker!    ''Arthur rides onto the tightrope.''
'''Audience:''' (gasps)    ''Arthur falls.''
'''Arthur:''' Aaaah!
''Arthur wakes up. He is covered in red spots.''
''Arthur walks into the bathroom. A moment later, he runs out screaming.''
'''Arthur:''' Aaaah!  ''He runs into his room and hides under the blanket. His parents come in with D.W. and Kate.''
'''Mrs. Read:''' What is it?
'''Mr. Read:''' What's wrong?
'''D.W.:''' Arthur has polka dots!
'''Arthur:''' What's wrong with me?  ''Mr. Read feels Arthur's forehead.''
'''Mr. Read:''' It's chicken pox.      ''D.W. feels Arthur's forehead.''
'''D.W.:''' Do you get it from chickens?
'''Mr. Read:''' No, it's just a normal childhood illness. I had it, your mom had it.
'''Mrs. Read:''' I'll see if Grandma Thora can come over while we're at work. She knows all about chicken pox.    ''D.W. looks delighted.''
'''D.W.:''' Does this mean Arthur can't go to the circus?
'''Mrs. Read:''' Well, we'll have to see.
'''Arthur:''' What?!
'''Mrs. Read:''' I'm sorry, honey, but chicken pox is very contagious.
'''D.W.:''' Looks like you're not going any place for awhile. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you.  ''She smiles and rubs her hands.''
'''Arthur:''' (gulps)
''The next day, Arthur reads in bed. Buster sits in the tree outside and throws a can with a string attached to it into the room.''
'''Buster:''' Pick up the can!
'''Arthur:''' Buster, it's terrible! You have to save me!
'''Buster:''' Save you from the chicken pox?
'''Arthur:''' No, from...  Hh. (gulps)
''D.W. closes the window. She is wearing a nurse's costume.''
'''D.W.:''' No talking. You're sick. Now sit back, young man, it's time to take your temperature.  ''She holds an oversized toy thermometer.''
'''Arthur:''' Mom! D.W.'s trying to take care of me, and...  ''D.W. puts a thermometer in his mouth.''
'''D.W.:''' Now lie still while I put on the galamine lotion.    ''She rubs pink lotion on Arthur's chest.''
'''Arthur:''' Don't! Don't, D.W.!    ''Grandma Thora comes in.''
'''Grandma Thora:''' Having fun?
'''D.W.:''' Hh! Grandma Thora, Arthur won't take his medicine!
'''Grandma Thora:'''  You know, doctor, this is an especially difficult case. How about if I take over for awhile? Now, are you ready for something really special?  ''Arthur smiles and nods.''
''D.W. puts oatmeal in the bathtub through a sieve.''
'''D.W.:''' Oatmeal? In the bathtub?    ''Arthur sits in the tub holding a drink with a crazy straw.''
'''Arthur:''' This feels great!    ''He lies back and takes a sip. D.W. puts oatmeal in his drink.''  Cut it out!
'''D.W.:''' Hey! Grandma, Arthur's splashing me! And he's scratching, too!
'''Grandma Thora:''' I know it's hard, sweetie, but rule number one is no scratching.
'''Arthur:''' (gulps)
'''Grandma Thora:''' You'll get an infection!
'''D.W.:''' If you're a good little boy and don't scratch, I'll bring you a balloon from the circus.
'''Grandma Thora:''' I have a wonderful idea, D.W. Why don't you go to your room and draw a picture?
'''D.W.:''' I need to guard Arthur so he doesn't scratch.
'''Grandma Thora:''' I think we can trust him.    ''She leads D.W. away.''
'''Arthur:''' (annoyed sigh)
'''D.W.:''' Well, I don't.
''When Arthur comes out of the bathroom D.W. watches him through binoculars.''
'''D.W.:''' Hmm.    ''She sees Arthur scratching and blows a shrill whistle.''    I saw! You scratched!
''D.W. runs into the kitchen where Thora is preapring a bowl of ice-cream for Arthur.''
'''D.W.:''' Grandma! Arthur scratched! I saw him!
'''Grandma Thora:''' That's nice.
'''D.W.:''' Aren't you going to punish him?
'''Grandma Thora:''' Well, sweetie, I think this will make Arthur feel much better.    ''She holds a tray full of goodies.''
'''D.W.:''' Grandma, when do I get to drink with the crazy straw?
'''Grandma Thora:'''  You don't. It's covered with germs. Your lunch is over by the sink, D.W.
''D.W. pushes up a chair so she can reach her tray. There is a sandwich and a mug without a straw.''
'''D.W.:''' Hmph!
''Arthur lies on the couch and looks at his reflection in a mirror while Thora rubs lotion on his back. D.W. sits on the couch end looking annoyed.''
'''Grandma Thora:'''  So I warned your father. I said 'You'd better get the car started, because this little baby is on it's way!'
'''D.W.:''' What little baby?
'''Grandma Thora:'''  Arthur. This is about the night Arthur was born. Anyway, he never did get the car started, what with that busted carburetor, so I went in and called a taxi and, oh my, was I worried you'd be born right here in the kitchen!
'''D.W.:''' Where was I?
'''Grandma Thora:'''  You weren't born yet, hon.
'''Arthur:''' (sighs)
'''D.W.:''' Hmm.
''A short while later, Thora heats water and D.W. sits at the kitchen table.''
'''D.W.:''' What about when I was born?
'''Grandma Thora:''' I think I was in Florida then.
'''D.W.:''' Can I have a back rub, too?
'''Grandma Thora:''' Maybe later. Right now, I'm busy making Arthur some tea.  ''D.W. gets off the chair looking grumpy.''
''D.W. powders her face in the bathroom.''
'''D.W.:''' (hums)
''Meanwhile, Arthur and Thora watch TV.''
'''D.W.:''' (moans)
'''Grandma Thora:''' (gasp)    ''She turns off the TV.''
'''D.W.:''' I don't feel well.    ''She comes down the stairs with red spots on her face.''
'''Grandma Thora:''' Good heavens! You have them too.
'''D.W.:''' I need an oatmeal bath.
'''Grandma Thora:'''  Of course, dear.  ''She picks up D.W. and carries her upstairs. D.W. smiles.''
'''D.W.:''' And some... juice? With a... a... a... crazy straw? (fake cough)
'''Grandma Thora:'''  Absolutely.
''A short while later, D.W. plays in the bathtub behind a shower curtain.''
'''D.W.:''' (hums and laughs)    ''Thora comes in with a cup and a crazy straw.''
'''Grandma Thora:''' Are you all right in there?
'''D.W.:''' I... guess... so.
'''Grandma Thora:''' Well, I brought you some nice...  (Gasp)! D.W.! What happened to all your spots?
'''D.W.:''' I got better?
'''Grandma Thora:''' ''(angered, realizing D.W. is faking it)'' Dora Winifred Read, I'm very disappointed in you!
'''D.W.:''' Oh. ''(bows head in shame)''
''That night, D.W. sits on her bed.''
'''D.W.:''' Daddy, it's not fair. How come Arthur gets chicken pox and I don't?
'''Mr. Read:''' Honey, you're lucky you're not sick. Chicken pox isnt fun.    ''He tucks her in.''
'''D.W.:''' Yes it is! It's more fun than anything!
'''Mr. Read:''' More fun than the circus? More fun than elephants and cotton candy and ice-cream?
'''D.W.:''' Of course!
'''Mr. Read:''' Well, you have till tomorrow to decide. If you don't want to suffer through the circus, you can stay home with Arthur.
'''D.W.:''' ''(sniffs)''
''The next day, Buster is on the phone.''
'''Buster:''' So, can you come to the circus?
''Arthur sits on the couch next to Grandma Thora. There are less spots in his face.''
'''Arthur:''' Just a minute!
'''Grandma Thora:''' Your spots are healing, and I don't see any new ones... no sign of a fever...  Yes! I'd say all systems are go!
'''Arthur:''' Yes!
''At the other end, Buster smiles.''
''D.W. comes into the kitchen where the parents are washing up. She is covered with spots again.''
'''D.W.:''' I've decided I'm going to the circus.
'''Mr. Read:''' Attagirl! After all, how bad can it be?
'''Mrs. Read:''' (gasp)
'''Mr. Read:''' (gasp)
'''D.W.:''' I only wanted pox because I was jealous.    ''Both parents try unsuccessfully to hide their laughter.''
'''Mrs. Read:''' Oh, Honey, I know you want to go to the circus, but...
'''Mr. Read:''' You're being very grown up, sweetie, but, I'm afraid we have some bad news.
'''D.W.:''' What's so funny?    ''She feels her face.''    Hh!    ''She looks at her reflection in the toaaster.''    Spots!
'''Mrs. Read:''' Now D.W., I want you to be a big girl and...    ''D.W. dances around the kitchen.''
'''D.W.:''' I have chicken pox! I have my very own chicken pox! Spots, spots, spots! Spots, spots, spots!    ''D.W. slides over the floor and knocks over Pal's dog dish.''    Look at me, Pal: spots!
'''Mrs. Read:''' She must be running a fever.    ''D.W. runs up to Thora.''
'''D.W.:''' Grandma, can I have all that stuff now? A tray and a bath and everything?
'''Grandma Thora:''' Strangest case I've ever seen. Okay, D.W., you want a bath, you've got it!
''D.W. meets Arthur who is coming down the stairs.''
'''D.W.:''' Arthur, Arthur, Arthur! Look at me. I have spots and you don't.
'''Arthur:''' But, D.W., you're gonna miss the circus!
'''D.W.:''' Who cares? The circus comes every year. But you only get chicken pox once!  ''She runs up the stairs.''
[[Category:Season 1 transcripts]]
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